Interview With Abhishek Soni (founder, CEO –

Interview With Abhishek Soni (founder, CEO –


  1. What gave you the idea to start up your online business?

Abhishek: I have seen that companies are spending a bomb on marketing, sales executive and business development techniques, without any guarantee of ROI. That means, if you want to success in business, you must have the money. I just want to break that rule. is offering online marketing starts from just $1/month or free of cost. Not only this people can search projects, business leads too. More or less it’s a complete business website.

  1. What was your biggest challenge to setup your business?

Abhishek: Biggest challenge is still exist. Let me tell you that, is not a company. It’s run by individual, it’s me. Now the main challenge is team. I am myself handling client communication, marketing, reputation, and many more tasks. As I will grow, I will make my team but as of now I am happy with this challenge. I have started outsourcing the website development and SEO work now.

  1. What advice would you give to someone starting a new business online?

Abhishek: The advice is forget about money, income, ROI for at least 3 years. Just make up your brand. Let the world trust you. This trust brings the money towards you. Make smart investments and do a bit research before even taking a simple step.

  1. What type of marketing strategies do you use to promote your business?

Abhishek: I have myself studies a lot about online marketing, prepare a plan for daily internet postings and stickily following it.

  1. How can people take advantage of the services that you offer?

Abhishek: Very first thing, has good amount of daily visitors. And it’s offering cheapest online marketing. So one can make the brand at lowest cost. Secondly, one don’t need to search here and there for customers and business. is providing the business leads for big projects. It saves a lot time and money. Lastly, it’s useful for procurement experts too. Procurement peoples are spending a lot time to getting right suppliers and best deals. At they can approach multiple suppliers by single click and get best deals in their inbox. It’s not height to say that is an complete business portal.

Thank you for answering my questions today Abhishek:

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