Essential Tips For Online Advertising

Essential Tips For Online Advertising


Online advertising is without a doubt the biggest advertising platform for businesses. According to a study by Pew, income from digital advertising has increased by over 40% in the past few years, and it has gradually overtaken other forms of marketing and promotion. Due to this trend, competition has become fierce with online platforms being crowded with adverts. Because of this, it easy for businesses, especially those starting out and without huge amounts of money to spend to be lost in the crowd.


Whether you utilize Facebook Ads, Google AdWords, content marketing or a combination of everything available, you need to ensure that you are utilizing them to your best advantage. This will give you online visibility and enable you to save some money in the process.


That being said, here are a few tips that can help you get more from online ads:

Essential Tips For Online Advertising


Be Concise About your Targets When Using Facebook Ads


The more targeted your adverts, the more effective they will be. When creating your Facebook ads, you have the ability to pick your targeting options. You can go with broad categories or precise interest.


The former will make you visible to a broader audience, but not a specific one. You can pick one of the predetermined categories that fall in your audience in a general manner such as ‘Single Moms’ or ‘Football Fans’.


The latter categories are broken down further with the aim of helping you lure a small but, more specific market. These are achieved through Facebook activities and profiles. You can advertise auctions, your shop or otherwise on Facebook and it can be a great way to advertise.



Utilize Google Adwords Features


There are numerous features that you can take advantage of by using Google AdWords, and there are perhaps a few that you may not know about, especially if you are just starting out this kind of campaign. One of the most beneficial ones is ad site links. These allow you to a couple of additional links to your site at the bottom of your advert. These can state anything from pricing, location, etc.


An excellent thing about these features is that they are free to include and simple to set up. Given the fact that these additions will increase the size of your ads, you can experience an increase in your click-through rates. That’s because a larger ad catches the eye.



Attach Pictures to Your Calls to Action on Facebook


There is no denying that pictures draw the most attention. If you want people to really follow through a call to action, then consider adding an image to it. Take full advantage of the maximum image pixels on a Facebook ad campaign, and remember to test which pictures get the most response. Generally, an image that includes a person tends to perform better than just a company logo.


Define your ‘Negative’ Keywords


If you have never heard this word before, then you are probably scratching your head. Well, negative keywords are simply phrases that you don’t want your ads to appear for. For example, if you do not offer free samples, free trials or free products, the last thing you want is for individuals to click on your advert in search for freebies. This will just cost your advertising money for no return. For this reason, you should include the term ‘free’ as an exception or a negative keyword. If you provide SEO consulting services, and would not want your ads to appear for search on ‘SEO consulting jobs’, then jobs is certainly a good candidate for your negative keyword list.


Go through your current analytics detail in order to find negative key phrases and spend some time using the free Negative Keyword Tool from Wordstream or even the Google Keyword Tool.



Consider Retargeting


Also known as Remarketing, Retargeting is a feature that allows you to reach individuals who have visited your website in the past and show them related adverts when they visit other websites on a certain ad network. With this feature, any time a person visits your website, they will be added to a retargeting list. When they leave your page for another that is also on the same Display Network, your ads will ideally appear on those websites. This allows your brand name to stay in front of potential clients even after the exit your site. Google is always establishing new ways to make retargeting better with annual updates and changes to their system. Things like addresses and numbers can now be used to cross-reference and pinpoint past clients for re-marketing purposes.



Whichever method you choose to use for online advertising, keep in mind that it is essential to maintain a focus on quality content. People hate businesses that continuously try to thrust their business and services into their faces. The right content always wins over prospects quickly, so forget about quantity and invest in quality.

Essential Tips For Online Advertising

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