Key Internet Marketing Trends for 2011 Revealed by Hillary Bressler, CEO of .Com Marketing

Key Internet Marketing Trends for 2011 Revealed by Hillary Bressler, CEO of .Com Marketing

Winter Park, FL (PRWEB) January 14, 2011

Hillary Bressler, CEO & Founder of .Com Marketing is set to release the Eleven Internet Marketing Trends of 2011. The aim of the report is to offer new insights into the continuing developments of internet marketing, as well as strategies to capitalize on them. Bressler is known for her precise ability to successfully forecast emerging internet marketing trends.

“We were one of the first in our industry to recommend Pay Per Click to our clients. At that time, a keyword would sell for .10 cents per click. Today, that same keyword sells for $ 2 or $ 3 dollars per click. Year after year we have successfully predicted new trends in internet marketing and clients that have taken our lead have benefited greatly” said Bressler.

For 2011, Bressler has compiled 11 trends that will be shaping the Internet marketing industry in the upcoming year.

Three of the trending topics from her list include:

    Mobile Marketing Set to Take Off

USA Today reported that 16% of shoppers will use their Smartphones to Holiday shop this year and an amazing 39% of people ages 18-29 reported using their Smartphones to do all of their online shopping. Smartphones and other mobile devices are changing the way America surfs the net, shops, and does business. In 2011, mobile marketing will expand far beyond mobile messaging.

    Social Media Earns It’s Place at the Marketing Strategy Table

In 2011, social media will take prominence in a company’s overall marketing strategy. If your business isn’t utilizing Facebook or Twitter then you’re missing an important opportunity.

    Search is Changing

In years past, organically ranking in the top 5 positions on the first page of Google was the key to driving traffic to your website. In 2011, local search will dominate – not only will ranking high organically be important but showing up in the top 7 of Google Places will also be required if your company wants to maintain first page dominance in the SERPs.

According to Bressler, 2011 is the year for companies to switch a majority of their traditional marketing dollars to internet marketing strategies in order to remain competitive and see an increase in their ROI. “Through our recommendations, clients that have increased their internet marketing spend have expanded their leads upwards of 57%” she said.

About Hillary Bressler

Hillary S. Bressler is a recognized authority on interactive marketing and is revered as one of the nation’s leading public speakers on the topic of internet marketing. She is the founder and president of .Com Marketing (, a leading interactive advertising and marketing agency.

To request the complete list of Hillary Bressler’s Eleven Internet Marketing Trends of 2011, email 2011trends(at)commarketing(dot)com.

To view the slideshare, visit

About .Com Marketing

.Com Marketing is a full service, strategic interactive marketing and online advertising agency ranked by AdvertisingAge as a Top 100 Interactive Agency Nationwide. .Com Marketing has been providing comprehensive online business solutions for over 13 years, offering a suite of interactive marketing solutions such as search marketing strategies, social marketing and Pay Per Click Campaigns.

.Com Marketing combines the strength of effective interactive marketing and advertising campaigns with creative and award-winning website design to assist companies in driving qualified web traffic, increasing sales conversions and delivering profitable customer relationships and return on investment (ROI).



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