Interview With John Jacobs – How To Double Your Income

Interview With John Jacobs – How To Double Your Income


Today I will be doing an Interview with John Jacobs of AEGetMeSales Interview John Jacobs

  1. What kind of businesses do you help?  We help all types of Local businesses such as Professionals, Contractors, Physicians, Service companies, Retail and Restaurants.                                                                                                                                                                                                        
  2. What are the services that you offer to small businesses? We offer wide array of unique and effective marketing strategies that bring in qualified motivated buyers to our clients                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
  3. What are some of your more popular services?  By far our biggest selling service is our Video on Google Platform.  This platform enables us to list a businesses video on 1st page of google.  The most important benefit from this service is that we can get a TV Commercial right in front of a person who is actively searching for what our client provides.  This is very important because 90% of all google inquiries go to the businesses listed on the first page and 80% go to the business with the video. If a business doesn’t have a video, we can produce it for them.     
  4. Why do local businesses use AEGetMeSales service?   That’s easy, they want qualified motivated buyers to call them at the time they are ready to buy.  What else is better than being in front of a person with a high powered, dynamic, professional video that fully explains your service at the very time they need you.  The video on the 1st page of google provides more credibility and professionalism for the consumer.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
  5. How long have you been helping local businesses?  Collectively we have been helping local businesses for over 30 years and for the last 5 years, we have been increasing our client base a very rapid pace for the Video 1st Page google service. How are your services better than FaceBook Advertising, Google Adwords, Print ads or TV advertising?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

6.  How are your services better than FaceBook Advertising, Google Adwords, Print ads or TV advertising?  The Video 1st Page Google service is far superior to any other form of advertising.  You’re able to utilize the 2 most powerful sources on the universe…that is Google Referrals from 1st page and Video.  Video increases the understanding of what a business does by 74% and Google is the number 1 referral source in the universe.  Furthermore, unlike other type of advertising which is blind and is shown to people who actually don’t need what the business is advertising….our service shows a business video only to people who are actually “Googling” for what that business does…for instance, if a person needs a “DWI” Attorney, they will google for one and our client will instantly have their video right in front them.  Even when the prospect searches throughout the internet, we will have the video follow them where ever they go.As a matter of fact, our biggest source of new leads comes from former face book advertisers who are unhappy with the results and from TV/Print advertisers who are unhappy with paying for ads show to people to who don’t need what they sell. And above all, the ROI on the ad spend with us is 4 times anywhere else.

7. Can you explain a little more about your Video Marketing and 1st Page Google Video Ranking service?  The best way to explain it is to be very simple, it is like having a TV Commercial show to a motivated buyer who is actively searching google for what our client does.

8. I heard you offer exclusive rights, as well?  Yes, that is one of the key components of our service.  We put our client in a position to dominate his niche and market.  Think about it, our clients are the only with one or more videos on the 1st page of google….Plus, the simple fact that we put them there, knocks one or more of their competitors off the first page.

9. What kind of guarantees do you offer?  We will guarantee that we get your video on the first page or you do not pay for that area.  Each client gets to choose (if available) the areas they want to be listed.

10. Heard you have a “Double your income…Crush the competition” program, Can you explain that a little further?   This plan is for real players in their industry…the ones that really want to stand out and be the leader, be the best, be known as the expert, and totally want to gain all the business from people actively searching the internet for what they sell and provide.  Businesses can find out more about this “Invitation Only” plan after their first demo.


Thank you John for answering my questions today.

If our readers want more information  where can they find out more?


You can visit our website at for more information

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