A Little Bit Of Entertainment Goes A Long Way

When It Comes To Your Readers Subscribers And Customers A Little Bit Of Entertainment Can Go A Long Way

There are so many boring bloggers out there when you start reading their content or listening to a video you are ready to fall asleep.

Just another hard-luck to success story, I lived on rice and ketchup!  when it comes to online bullshit stories I have heard them all.


The thing is that there are lots of people trying to launch a business online and many are so boring and repetitive it’s easy to fall asleep or completely switch off.

One thing I learned from having a crazy Greek dad is that life need not be boring and a little bit of entertainment can go a long way and make life much more interesting too.


So start entertaining your readers a bit more that way you can make life interesting for all your visitors and make them want to come back time and time again.

No one likes a dull website or blog or listening to someone who is very boring. So what can you provide today in the way of entertainment for your Readers and customers?


I still have people contacting me on Facebook telling me about funny memories they have in my dad’s restaurants from the 1980s

Stories about the day my dad got into a fight with a crazy taxi driver in Greece and kicked in his headlights in front of the police.

In fact, there are so many funny stories  I remember about my dad I could seriously consider writing a book about it.

If you have been a reader of my blog for any length of time you will probably know that like my dad, with some things I don’t mince my words.

I have a few posts on this blog some my own and some I picked up along the way which I think are either funny or definitely a bit entertaining.


Posts like MLM Marketing Dinosaur Or I got this Email LOL or 500 years ago Moses SaidOr Hitler Gets Google Slapped

Has everyone forgotten what attraction marketing is?

Of course, as well as a bit of entertainment lots of people love to hear or read about a bit of drama but that’s another story.


Want to find out more about what I do Click Here


A Little Bit Of Entertainment Goes A Long Way


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