20 Benefits Of Blogging Regularly

20 Benefits Of Blogging Regularly

Recently I started on a 30 Day blogging challenge after spending a couple of months on a European driving holiday I thought a 30 Day Blogging Challenge would be the ideal way to get me back into the swing of things.  Of course, I enjoy blogging and putting out interesting content and information but in today’s post I thought I would talk a bit about the benefits of Blogging and why you should blog rather than some other marketing methods like Facebook Live, YouTube Blogger Etc.

20 Benefits Of Blogging Regularly

  1. People get to know you better if you blog regularly as they learn more about you and what you are doing? If you create videos in your blog posts then they actually get to know you even better again.
  2. When blogging regularly on your own WordPress blog using a quality paid hosting service your content is very safe, much safer than posting your videos on Youtube or your content on Facebook as you own and control it as long as you continue to pay your hosting bill.
  3. As you continue to blog and create great content more and more posts will start ranking in the search engine and social networks, this will give your online business more exposure which in turn will get you more subscribers and views on your content.
  4. Apart from people getting to know you, if you appear in people’s feed regularly it will make you much more familiar to them even unconsciously, so they are much more likely to think of you or your content than someone they haven’t seen online for ages.
  5. When someone is familiar with you and is thinking about you, they are much more likely to talk to other people about you.  And with a bit of luck, though it works both ways depending on why you want them to remember you, other people saying good things about your brand your content or your business is a great way to get referrals online. Lots of my referrals who come to me online came from other people who either used my services or read my content and decided it was something they were interested in and told their friends, customers, or family about.
  6. When you blog regularly it gives you an excuse to show up in front of people, imagine if you were in your house and you wanted a light fitted and every day your electrician would either knock on your door or walk past your front door you would be freaked out. If you are doing a 30-day blogging challenge all your friends will expect a daily post on your Facebook wall or an email from you daily with information about something they want, chances are you have a much better chance of getting the subscriber or the sale than the guy that is nowhere to be seen online.
  7. Your blogging gets better the more you blog the better your blogging gets, and the easier that the words start to come from your brain, and move from your brain to your keyboard.
  8. Doing videos on your blog, the same goes for videos, when you do your first video and look back they are often very cringeworthy, but as you do a video daily after 1000 videos you will be in the top 5% of public speakers. Why because the more you practice the better you become and the easier it gets, so if you want to become a much better speaker do three videos on your blog daily for 365 days and see the drastic transformation in your videos from video 1 till video 1000.
  9. As you blog regularly your blog starts to build up a huge library of content around your topics, this will make it more interesting to readers and will keep them on your blog longer browsing through all your related content as well.
  10. It shows your dedication and interest to your readers, if someone comes to your blog and sees you haven’t created a blog post for 2 years then it is highly unlikely they will plan to come back for a visit in the near future.  If you want to become a top cyclist the chances are you won’t go out looking for an ex cyclist who hasn’t cycled for 20 years to train you, You will try and find someone fit and competitive to go out with on your bike so you can increase your speed, distance and stamina and get better.  The same goes for blogging regularly it helps to be current not a has been.
  11. If you are blogging regularly there are many different bits of your content that can rank and get you traffic separately back to your blog.  Blog images you post on Pinterest can bring traffic back to your website for years, Instagram images can also drive traffic to your website, regular videos uploaded to Youtube with a link back to your website in the description will drive traffic back to your site. If you keep creating content and share it properly on multiple social networks you will create a well-oiled traffic machine.
  12. Every new bit of content you create daily is another opportunity to build up your subscribers list, build up your credibility, or advertise another product or service for sale.
  13. When you regularly create content in your niche area of expertise it also gets you an influencer status, an influencer is generally who either does or appears to know more about something than someone else. When this happens more people will buy off you and take your advice, of course, this will also create a side effect of having more income and getting more customers. Let’s put it this way Stevie who started a finance blog two years ago and did two posts will not look like much of an influencer on the subject.  The guy who wrote 3 articles a day on his Finance blog for 5 years will appear to be and will be much more knowledgeable on the subject than the majority of people. Because all of his time is spent learning writing and researching finance and interviewing other experts in his field.
  14. When you blog regularly and reach an influencer status, advertisers will approach you from everywhere asking you to promote their stuff or offering to pay you to advertise on your website, if they provide an acceptable product and quality service that your customers may need or want it will give you even more ways to make money from your online blogging business. One of my colleagues got 2 $100 dollar ads on their blog this week and another $50 advert after doing the 30-day blogging challenge for 14 days. That’s an extra $250 this week for very little effort definitely not something to be sniffed at.
  15. You don’t have to be there or do any work that day, the great thing about blogging regularly is you do not even have to be there.  Many bloggers schedule their blog posts for the next 7 days on a Sunday.  The beauty of blogging on WordPress or doing Youtube videos or social media posts etc is they can all be scheduled in advance. SO yes you can blog regularly even on the days you are lying on the beach or sitting in your favourite bar or restaurant.
  16. Blogging regularly will help you Build up a portfolio of content that you can use to create books, e-books, courses, audiobooks, and lots more.
  17. Blogging regularly can also give you the opportunity to share your passions with your audience.
  18. Blogging regularly can also help to make a difference in other peoples lives, sometimes the things you say will be exactly what someone needed to hear or see that day especially if someone is having a bad day or going through some challenging times your advice could be priceless to them at this time and could help them change things for the better.
  19. Blogging regularly can help you to build up your network of people in your niche, or build up your various social media accounts and increase the network in your groups and pages as well.
  20. Blogging regularly means you will also be able to get more feedback from your audience, this in turn helps you improve your online business and do things better for your reader’s subscribers or clients.

If you haven’t started blogging or are thinking about starting a blog you can join our blogging community for free just click the link below to get started

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This Was Day 16 Of The 30 Day Blogging Challenge


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20 Benefits Of Blogging Regularly

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