Tips For Scheduling Your Social Media And Emails

Tips For Scheduling Your Social Media And Emails

One of the great advantages about having an online business is the fact that your business can still run even when you are not there.   Of course you still have to be there or have someone else be there to setup the business and get it started.

But once you have some good content floating around on the Internet and built up some loyal subscribers.  Then you can use the magic of scheduling.  You can schedule things like your social media posts, Autoresponder messages, videos and website content that can be posted even when you are nowhere near a computer.

Of course you could always pay outsourcers to do it for you. You could hire a full time outsourcer in the Philippines for about $300 a month.  Or alternatively you could hire out a load of gigs on Fiverr to be done while you are away.  In fact I know of one fellow Internet Marketer who has his Philippino outsourcer buy gigs on Fiverr to drive traffic to his websites and make him hefty commissions.

All while he is lying in a hot tub somewhere beside some exotic beach living in the lap of luxury.   🙂

Here are some suggestions that you may like to use in your own business too.

1. Use the Premium Kalatu Calendar For Scheduling Your Blog Posts Even Months Or Years In Advance.

2. Set up a series of autoresponder email messages for each list for the next year.

First Week 1 Email Every Two Days

2nd week 2 emails a week

week three till 4 1 email a week

week 4 till week 16 2 emails a month

Week 16 till end of the year one email every month.

3. Sit down And Create 5 You Tube Videos A Day For 10 Days after 10 days you will have 50 You Tube videos,then when you have created them schedule a You Tube Video to post once a week for the next year. Using the You Tube scheduling feature.

4. Create a Feed for your you tube videos and post your You Tube Videos on Your Blogs using the automated feed.

5. Use tools like Networked blogs and IFTTT to automate as many of your social networking posts as possible.

Tips For Scheduling Your Social Media And Emails

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