The New World Order Are Nearly There Two More Countries Down

The New World Order Are Nearly There Two More Countries Down How Many To Go
I can’t believe how stupid people are letting the European union take over Greece and Italy putting the NWO in power while everyone watches… I mean putting two members of the European central bank in charge of both of those countries that’s a joke. The reason the countries are in the mess they are in are thanks to the Euro and European banks in the first place.. So the solution is to give the European bank more control… Guess we are in world war 3 only the Germans are doing it legally with their men in charge of Europe LOL… Does no one realise yet that these bankers are the criminals and they are allowed to control government which means police,armies,taxes and they call it a democracy OK.. Lets live in Freedom as slaves to the bankers how can these stupid people go around talking about Freedom, Serve Your Country while these people are shafting and profiting from their ignorance taking everything you own and destroying your kids future as well ……….. “WAKE UP WAKE DE VUCK UP PEOPLE LEAVE YOUR TV AND THE BRAINWASHING AND START THINKING AGAIN”

The New World Order Are Nearly There Two More Countries Down
For More Information On What Really Goes On Check Out Enlightenment 2012

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