New Methods for Fighting Click Fraud – A Community Approach

New Methods for Fighting Click Fraud – A Community Approach

Queensland, Australia (PRWEB) May 30, 2006 Even leading edge companies like Google® are feeling the sting as evidenced by a proposed $ 90 million settlement of a class action lawsuit (Case No. CV-2005-52-1) brought by a group of advertisers claiming they have been victims of fraud perpetrated through Google’s PPC network.
According to Google’s Chief Financial Officer, George Reyes, “Click fraud is the biggest threat to the Internet economy.”
“Currently available anti-fraud measures are not working,” says Jay Stockwell, click fraud security expert and developer of a new approach to fighting click fraud called Click Sentinel (Version 2). Among the reasons Stockwell cites for these failures are a reluctance of PPC site operators to discuss their fraud analytics with advertisers, poor vendor/client relationships, a lack of user education and a lack of community action.
That’s all set to change now that Stockwell has released his free click fraud tracking software, click fraud reconciliation software, and a pay-per-click marketing virtual community policing portal at
Click Sentinel (Version 2) acts as the point organization for a world-wide PPC vendor and pay-per-click advertising user task force that will improve vendor/client relations by working together to attack click fraud from all sides. The site provides a revolutionary approach to combating the issue that has never been available before in the pay-per-click marketing community.
Both the software and the virtual community portal are 100% free for advertisers using pay-per-click program sites like Google®, MSN AdCenter® and Yahoo Publisher Network®, as well as for the vendors that provide these pay-per-click advertising services.
Stockwell believes that open and honest communication between advertisers and vendors will foster the community policing environment that is sure to be Click Sentinel’s most valuable weapon in the fight against pay-per-click advertising fraud.
About Jay Stockwell
Mr. Stockwell has been fighting click fraud since 1999, well before it was a mainstream issue. In mid-2004 he developed the first version of Click Sentinel which was released 6 months later to critical acclaim. His release of Click Sentinel (Version 2) redefines how click fraud should be addressed.
For more information visit .
Jay Stockwell
Click Sentinel
Gold Coast, Queensland. 4220. Australia

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