Monetizing Your Blog

Monetizing Your Blog

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Now that you have learned how to post articles, use the functionalities of your WordPress dashboard, and have begun uploading content. Let’s discover some ways to make your blog profitable!

Keep in mind that what follows in this section of this course is an overabundance of ways to monetize your blog. You may choose to use all of them, some of them or just one of them. It is entirely up to you!

Cost Per Mile Advertising(CPM)

This type of monetization is similar to pay per click but you don’t get paid on a per-click basis. You are paid according to the number of page views (impressions) you get from your blog traffic. You must achieve at least 1000 page views to get paid and you are paid for every 1000 page views after that.

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Text Link Ads

With this type of advertising, you place text-based ads inside the articles you publish. You just join an affiliate program and they will provide you a link to send the traffic to. Text link ads are nonintrusive and allow the reader to continue scanning your site while perusing your content.

Pay Per Click Advertising(PPC)

With this kind of advertising, you get paid for the clicks that come your way through traffic. You will have to find a provider and get a code from them. You place this code on your site. When this is done, the provider will send contextual adverts to your site. These are adverts based on the subjects of your articles and other content on your blog. You may have heard of Google Adsense and rightfully so. It is the largest provider of contextual adverts to websites in the world. There are other providers such as Chitika, BidVertiser, and Clicksor. Use these providers to make money from your blog.

Advertising Widgets

An advertising widget is something you add to your site in an area of the WordPress dashboard. You then place a small snippet of code into it and an advert appears at a certain location on your blog. They can display pay-per-click, text link adverts, or some code from an affiliate program.

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RSS Adverts

First, what’s RSS? It stands for Really Simple Syndication. It is a way to get the most recent information from major news sites and other blogs. You can also get any kind of information that can be broken down such as the revision of a book and changes in wiki pages. News aggregators assist you to keep up with the latest and send it to your blog.

So, you can place adverts on these RSS feeds. The RSS feed generator will offer this service to you. Check out Google FeedBurner and BidVertiser for this option.

Audio Advertising

This one is really cool. You can place ads using Pay per Play (PPP) that will play when someone visits your blog. You can also place podcast ads if you are running a podcast on your blog.

Write Tutorials & Guides

Information is the primary product of the internet and the 21st century. Everyone is searching for more information about how to do things, what the answer is to a problem, or a host of other things. People need tutorials teaching them how to sing, how to cook, what to wear, how to speak, etc, etc.

The thing is, you know something that somebody else needs to know. You can share your expertise by writing a tutorial or guide that some people who need that information would snatch up immediately. No selling needed really. You have the knowledge. They need the knowledge. Problem solved!

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Teaching Program

Fancy yourself to be a teacher? Well, you can create a course of learning that is divided into easily absorbed individual lessons. You could teach people how to create a blog, step by step. You could explain and teach how to put a car motor together if that is what you know how to do. If you are a jet skier, then you could take someone from tumbling over every time they get on a jet ski to doing tricks on them.

There are plugins and programs that allow you to create a membership to your blog also. The teaching program could be “drip-fed” to your students every week or month. They pay you per month and every month they get to learn something new about the subject.

Affiliate Marketing

Many of the ways mentioned here so far can be used in affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission for selling other people’s stuff. You enroll in a program and the company or service you want to sell provides you various ways to market their product.

Your task is to then get as many people as possible to either purchase the product or service outright or sometime in the next 30, 60, or 90 days. Often when your potential customer clicks on the advert you have on your blog, a “cookie” is placed in their computer that has a lifespan of 30, 60, 90 days, or longer. That means anytime that customer goes back to that site anytime during the life of the cookie and buys something, you still make a commission! Cool!

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Pop-ups are a common occurrence on the internet. You know what they are. They often appear a few seconds after you land on a site or they appear if your cursor touches some outer perimeter of your blog.

Sometimes these pop-ups can be annoying, but if you place them at the right time they can be very handy in gaining or giving information.

Be a Consultant

Yes, you can be a consultant. Even if you are just beginning. The bottom line is that if you know something that somebody else or a group of somebody else doesn’t know, then you can be their consultant. It works best if you have a following or have established yourself as a thought leader in your niche, but many newcomers have surprised the market.

Offer one on one services to your target market. People will pay for this service because they want and need that personal touch. Whether you know how to help people lose weight or you can build the best possible chicken coop, you can be a consultant to a market that needs your expertise.

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Create & Sell Your Own Product

Why not do your own thing? Everybody is always buying or selling something in this culture. You could create your own product based on some aspect of your blog niche. If you blog about food, then why not create your own cookbook? If you write articles about cars from the 1950s, then write your own eBook showing the most famous muscle cars to come out of the 50s.

Advertising Space

Have you ever thought of selling some space on your blog? Many people do it. It can pay off big if you have some empty space on your blog. You can charge what you want for space and can even install a rotating ad space using a plugin that allows many people to have the same space. Sometimes owners of blogs decide to rent their entire header area or the footer area. In this case, there would be a large banner advert to show.

Product Reviews

This monetization technique requires you to write and post a review of a product or service. Try to review something that fits with your particular niche and the purpose of your blog. Write an honest review of the product and the reader will gain valuable information about it and possibly purchase it using your link.

Write an eBook

Write a book! Yes, you. How many times have you walked through a bookstore and said to yourself, “I could have written that.” So, go ahead and do it. Ebooks are popular and are great ways to inform your blog audience of a specific subject.

Creating an E-book has become easier than ever in fact you can now turn your blog posts and Google or Word documents into an E-Book with just one simple click.

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Ebooks may also be used a “lead magnets.” A lead magnet is something you offer a potential customer for their name, email address, and phone number. It is usually an immediate download and is effective in getting lead information.

There are many websites that sell eBooks. You could write one and upload it to these sites and they will sell it for you. AppleiPad and Amazon Kindle do this sort of thing. You may also sell it directly from your site.

Live Workshops

Can you think on your feet? Are you good at going live? Well, maybe you should try a live workshop. These kinds of money makers and attention getters allow you to interact with your customers directly. There are some people who will get more out of a live workshop than following a tutorial. People like to feel like they are getting the raw information. They are willing to pay for that also!

You can charge them to attend and sell them something during the live broadcast or stream. You can record everything that is being done and resell it later.

Host A Webinar

A webinar is an event that takes place on the internet that is hosted by a company or organization and sent out to people who have signed up for it. It is also called a webcast, web seminar, or online event. The way you make money is you either charge them money to attend or you sell them something during the webinar or at the culmination of the webinar sales process. Oftentimes the webinar is free to attend and is designed to increase audience participation and disseminate information.

The cost of some webinar software can be very expensive and after testing tens of different webinar software’s we found one that is reasonably priced and works well.

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One of the goals of a webinar is to increase interaction. So, the use of webcams, microphones, photos, and PowerPoint presentations is common. The webinar allows attendees to ask a question during the webinar and at its conclusion.

Sell Your Services

Selling your services, your product or your information is often why people start blogging initially.

Let’s say you are a star baseball player and you are about to retire. You could start a blog teaching younger people how to hit a homerun or how to make it in the big leagues. The people who come to your blog will pay you to teach them what you know.

Consider creating a “Hire Me” page on your blog. This is easily done with WordPress. Just create a new page and fill in the blanks.

Membership Site

Turn your blog into a membership site. You can attract potential members by offering free stuff and if they need that information, you can eventually charge them a monthly fee to get that information. Start them out with a free version, but offer a premium membership also. The premium membership offers a deeper stream of information and more sophisticated online content.

Email Marketing

This kind of monetization has been around for a long time. It is well understood that very often people don’t purchase on the first go-round with a product or service. Most internet research indicates it takes about seven exposures to the information/product/service before folks will pull out their credit card and actually make a purchase.

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One of the goals of email marketing is to create an email list. With this kind of list, you can enhance the relationship, recommend products/people, promote events, build your brand, and generally get more sales as time goes by.

Be careful to not spam anyone and to abide by the laws governing the use of information gained from a customer.


Many blogs can be set up to accept donations. If you are doing something in the niche requiring a non-profit status, then this is the way to go for you. Donations are also tax-deductible, so everybody wins!

Paypal, Stripe, and others offer a button you can place on your blog for people to click when they want to make a donation. Easy.

Sell Your Site At Auction

So, if you think you want to get out of the blogging niche and you just can’t stay with it for whatever reason. Don’t just leave your blog or cancel the hosting. Register your domain name/blog with a website seller. People will bid on your site and you will make some money as you are headed out the back door.

People will purchase your blog because of several reasons. You may have established yourself and your blog as an authority domain. This is very important because the person doing the purchasing will not have to work very hard to gain authority. Some people like to have something already started so they can just add to it. Still, others will buy your blog, build and add to it and then “flip-it,” or sell it straight away.

Phil Harrison Stowers is a creator of high-quality content, digital product producer, internet marketer, and the general overseer of word meaningfulness at Red Clay Content in Gainesville, Georgia, USA.

His focus every day is on his clients, what they need, and what will bring them one more step closer to their overall goal.

The purpose of Red Clay Content is to offer clients digital products that will enhance their internet marketing experience and ultimately put more money in their pockets as a result of their marketing efforts.

Phil teaches businesses how to market themselves properly on the internet. With Phil’s expertise, clients will achieve the consistent SEO traffic they have been seeking and live a better life because they can give their time and energy to their personal lives as their internet business thrives!

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Monetizing Your Blog

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