Internet Marketing Specialist Training Program 2010 Ignite you Internet Marketing Skills and Income Opportunities with our new Internet Marketing Specialist 2010 Program! Craig Connelly is a web entrepreneur and has been marketing online since 1995. He runs an internet Marketing Specialist business in Auckland New Zealand and helps clients suceed on the Internet. Craig handles all types of businesses both large and small. With so many people wanting to get involved in internet marketing, there are an almost equal amount of people touting themselves as internet marketing specialists. You need to be careful how you choose which one to listen to, so here are some tips… If you compare the rise of the internet to the Californian gold rush, it gives you a good start. During the gold rush, everyone was clamoring to start prospecting and spent money on shovels, because they were told that’s all they needed. The shovel sellers made a lot of money, but the prospectors didn’t, because along with the shovels, what they had actually needed was instructions, not on how to shovel, but how to prospect. The idea of making lots of money online while you sit in your jogging suit sipping a coffee can be called the gold rush. The shovel sellers are those people telling you to buy their book about how to make money online. Or they offer to build your website and get to the top of all the top 100 search engines. Believe me, this kind of shocking advice is out there, available at a price. What you need to know about your internet specialist is that they are not just rehashing what someone else thinks. You need to make sure
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