How To Get 3% CashBack On Diesel Up To 30% On Shopping

How To Get 3% CashBack On Diesel Up To 30% On Shopping

In November I was contacted by a Facebook friend he asked me if we could meet up some time for a chat. Being an online marketer most people who contact me either want Internet Coaching,Tips on how to sell their products and services online or websites made or help to make them. Other possibility is MLM opportunists trying to sell me their latest greatest product.. Because they want me on their team.. So when I went to meet him at Starbucks for a smoothie.. I wasn’t surprised to be told about this fantastic company. I made a bit of a joke about it and said to him before you say anything else you need to read this 21 clues to spotting a social media dinosaur .  If  after you read it it doesn’t answer your questions feel free to continue lol..

The hard part for Marcus was that I tend to market myself and my own websites I don’t promote other companies..  And I certainly do not pay money to join a company to promote it as I am 100% affiliate marketing type of guy..  If your product is good give me an affiliate link with x percentage commission.. And I will promote it we all know of companies that make a fortune getting people to pay to join, to promote some mediocre product or opportunity. But as for MLM’s I very rarely join any as I believe in promoting my own business not someone elses..  As for the reasons above.

Ok Marcus tell me what is it you are selling?  I asked to which he replied you are already buying it..  Hmm I said. Marcus Said  Sotiris let me ask you a question?  Do you buy  Diesel? Of course I do, ok do you buy shopping? Of course I do.. Buy any electronic, electrical appliances, laptops,home diy stuff etc. Yes I do I replied. Ok would you like to get cashback on all these things and much more and save between 2% and 30% when you shop..    Duhh  of course I do. this is a no brainer what’s the catch.. The catch is the company is still in phase two so in order to join you need to buy £200 of vouchers in a 3 week period..  In order for your membership to continue after the 21 days just a one off order although if you don’t shop with the vouchers or gift cards you can’t get the cash back.. Ok I thought about it and it made perfect sense I asked a few more questions how much do I save on diesel at Asda on diesel and shopping 3%, PC World And Curries 7% B &Q 8% Marks And Spencer Argos Etc..Ok you can count me in 🙂 you can also get 1% shopping on people you recommend and their are many other income streams as well. With that I registered ordered my vouchers and got my first cashback.

I didn’t do anything the first few weeks due to having lots of other commitments with websites and my coaching business and the christmas madness.. But in the last few weeks have enrolled 12 new cashback members in total so far we have received about £135 pounds in cashback on our shopping and have other members that have been saving totalling hundreds of pounds of savings.  I received a £58 Payment for registering 4 new members with units of shopping And am expecting another £3600 in the next two months from maturing shopping units. I also recieved a bonus shopping unit worth £110 this week.. There are many people who join businesses and do nothing so the business end may not work out the same and bring in that income for you.. But the cashback is for real and works so if you only use it for your own personal shopping. The rewards of joining far outweigh the effort.. I also offer free training and coaching  to anyone who joins my team which I normally charge for at my website 1 on 1 Internet Coaching.

To find out more and register just head over to feel free to add me on skype  sotiris.j.bassakaropoulos we can chat that way or if you do not have skype you can contact me on facebook and we can have a chat.

Successful Marketing

Sotiris Bassakaropoulos

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