How Expensive are Google Internet Marketing Services for a Small Business?

How Expensive are Google Internet Marketing Services for a Small Business?
It all depends on the competitiveness of your industry keywords. That’s the largest factor in your cost factors. What is a fair cost for hiring an expert in Internet Marketing Services?

“Basket weaving Montana” is going to be a lower cost compared to “gastric bypass surgeon Texas”  because the competition is lower. The amount of search engine optimization needed to rank on the 1st pages of Google, Yahoo and Bing is not as time consuming. It would take about 1-3 months to rank for ‘basket weaving’ keywords.

However, if your marketing “gastric bypass surgeon Texas” or “auto repair Denver“, they are going to be more expensive campaigns because the Internet marketing services necessary to achieve their higher ranking on Google is more in-depth.

SEO needed for the ‘basket weaving’ scenario will require basic on-page SEO optimization, but probably needs only about 25-50, quality, inbound links to start getting higher rankings.

Google marketing services needed for “gastric bypass surgeon Texas” and “auto repair Denver” keywords are going to be more complex and customized. They will need 75-150 inbound links and more website pages inter-linking with keyword-rich text. To get those types of sites to rank higher, it would take about 3-6 months depending on the current SEO state of each site. The reason is two-fold.

One, the business owners in the medical field all have more incentive to spend more dollars on their Google Internet marketing budget because they make more money per sale or operation. The profits are much higher for selling one gastric-bypass surgery to an obese patient than selling 10 handmade baskets to a housewife.

Two, there are simply more doctors, surgeons and auto repair shops competing for the ten top spots in any area who are fighting to be on the 1st page of Google. It’s just like spending money on the yellow pages 10 years ago. The bigger your ad, the more calls you would receive. The same goes for Google Internet marketing services.
The more money a company spends on Internet marketing, the more likely they are to rank for their keywords above their competitors.

The ‘auto repair’ is a little different in that it’s not so much the money they have to spend, as it is that there are so many auto repair shops in any larger city. But, when you rank higher than your competitors, not only do you get the business, but they don’t. So, spending the money may be worth it in the long run.

Internet marketing services for Google consist of many different strategies nowadays.

SEO – Search Engine Optimization strategy, involves taking a website’s code and inbound links to make the website’s URL (web address) show up in the long descriptive links on the left hand side of Google. There is no cost-per-click for this.

If 1 million users click your link through search, then all you pay for is the Internet marketing that the SEO marketing firm is doing.

How much business can I expect from the Internet marketing services I pay for? Qualified Internet leads are necessary to succeed in today’s marketing arena. Most Internet clients average about 55-85% of their web traffic from “organic” search engine ranking results when ranking properly for their keywords.

PPC – Pay-per-Click or sponsored linking are well-known as Google AdWords for those that use Google to search. Since, Google has over 60% of the search engine traffic; marketing through them is a good base for ROI. This involves links showing up on the top and right hand side. You only pay when a user clicks on your ad-link and visits your site. Google even monitors click fraud, so one of your competitors can’t just click your ad 1,000 times and blow your whole budget in one day.

Google AdWords generates about 35-55% of web traffic visitors and the rest comes from referral listings from other sites linking back to them.

SMM – Social Media Marketing is a newer Internet marketing service being offered to clients. It involves a combination of creating and running accounts on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to start.

VVM – Viral Video Marketing is the use of Video or Article Writing to get people to forward your SEO video or SEO article on to friends and associates there by increasing the value of the marketing money spent on each.

A business can market their website on the Internet for the same amount it cost for ‘paper marketing’ with the enormous added benefit of long-term ranking of keywords that continue generating search engine leads after the marketing work is done. That is a huge positive for a business that wants to push hard and just sustain.

The Internet allows them all to be more efficient with marketing, a sometimes costly, but needed business expenditure. Google Internet marketing services are also available to anyone. It’s an equal playing field for many website owners.

The only thing they would have to pay for is SEO maintenance monitoring to sustain the high ranking once it has been achieved. Usually maintenance monitoring is about 10-15% of the initial monthly marketing fees during the SEO Ramp Up.

How much should I expect to pay for an Internet marketing solution? It usually costs about the same as advertising in the Yellow Pages directory or in a Big City Newspaper. It can be less depending on how competitive your industry is.
Some Internet marketing campaigns can be as little as 0 a month for 9-12 months while others can be ,000 per month for 2 years. And, you should always continue with SEO marketing maintenance once your site’s ranking. If you don’t, it’s like buying a new engine for a car and not getting future tune-ups. Silly.

Remember, your competitors are always after you too. In the end, when you choose an Internet marketing service provider to work with, they should provide you with Monthly Ranking Reports.

Perry is a senior SEO consultant and writes for Business Oceansâ„¢ Web Marketing Services.

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