David Wood Called My Name..

David Wood Called My Name..  And suddenly what he said hit me like a waken up call it was amazing .  The other night I went onto the team webinar there are some huge things happening in Empower Network right now and I think we are going to all be making crazy money in the near future..

ENV3 Blogging Platform

If you haven’t already make sure you buy and go through the Team Building Formula the trainings are awesome as usual David Wood explains what you need to be doing if you want to build a successful business online. You can get the team building formula by just simply.

Clicking This Link Here

ENV3 Is Almost here  in fact it is just around the corner.  I have been to a couple of recent hangouts with David Wood. One of them was a team building formula Livestream the content was absolutely awesome, but last night I was listening to the stuff David Wood was saying and a few things really clicked into place.  Near the end of the hang out David Wood asked if we had any takeaways from the hangout I posted in the chat a few awesome takeaways I had from the hangout.

One of the things David Wood had said I mentioned in the chat.  David Wood looked at the chat box called out Sotiris ( Even pronounced it properly 🙂 as not many people do and said)  Sotiris if you are not selling on your hangouts what are you doing them for?  Wow that was huge for me it made me think of myself and some of my team members. Yes, we used to be selling all the time but recently we have been so busy delivering content and value on our hangouts and videos we totally forgot the purpose of them..

In one sentence David Wood hit the nail on the head yes, David Wood totally woke me out of my trance..  Way to go. And thank you Thanks for all the stuff you do to inspire us and teach us what we need to do to get results.  Anyone who doesn’t get results either isn’t listening properly.  Isn’t taking the right action or are too busy being lazy or in victim mode..

Empower Network New App Launched

Yes, you can be successful or you can be a victim, but you cannot be both at the same time..  So which are you going to choose to be the one who takes action and learns how to be able to sell snow to the Eskimos? Or the one who watches TV goes out with his friends or looks for his next excuse for failing in their online business or life..

Only you can make that decision the fact of the matter is hundred even thousands of people are going to be making a fortune over the next few months or years question is are you going to be one of them?

If you are then you know what to do Just Click the button below and lets get You started





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