Are you automating your internet business yet?

Are you automating your internet business yet?

When it comes to online marketing there are lots of things to learn, there are countless methods of online marketing in fact for an internet marketing newbie it can be a total minefield. I remember when I got started ten years ago things seemed complicated but really compared to now a lot of things where more straight forward..  Ranking on Google was a piece of cake, nobody had heard of panda penguin or hummingbird or any other beasts for that matter. All you had to do was buy a domain name post some content put out a load of backlinks do a google adwords campaign once you learned how to…  And watch the money roll in….

302501_349734318471406_610468652_nA lot has changed since then. Google targeted home business owners and deleted thousands of adwords accounts. Twitter which was awesome for automation and making money tightened up it’s policies and made the coolest automation softwares obsolete.  The Panda ,Penguin and Hummingbird updates now mean you gotta post 500 word articles like a madman or madwoman or face the wrath of Google… Yes your website could just vanish into the Google search engine sunset with a blink of an eye.

The days of posting high quality content in ezine and ranking on top of Google are also gone… Even good ole fashioned Gumtree the easy way to get no1 Ranking post your link there is no longer Free you have to pay.. Even hubpages and their other sister site got hit as well.  So the question is if you want to be able to make money rank and automate your business, what can you do? Even backlinking to certain sites has become dangerous…  There are thousands of webmasters running round right now like crazy trying to get their links removed from other sites.. Because they linked to them they where knocked then off the search engines…   Okay that’s what you are better not doing…





 Let’s talk about some things you still can do..

1. Create  videos with your keywords upload them to You Tube

2. Use Twitter but without the Automation Tools 

3. Create Facebook Pages And Groups

4. Guest post on other high quality blogs not too many too fast and with a mix of different links not just your keyword

5. Create viral content that people will want to share

6. Build a list and email them regularly to bring them back to your website/blog

7. Learn Facebook Advertising

8. Learn How To Do PPV Pay Per View Advertising

9. Press Releases still work…

10. Buy Gigs on Fiverr To Promote Your content….


This is a very general list of what to do I cover lots more of the subjects and more detail in my FREE 101 Blogging Tips Video Series

I also show how to Automate Your business using today’s cool tools and methods

You Can Click Here To Subscribe To Them .

You also have the opportunity to get daily training webinars up to ten blogs and personal 1 on 1 coaching with me to help you get them set up if you click the button below.

I personally paid over 100,000 for Training courses and today you can get it for the cost of a pizza for two…

I am not sure how long I will be able to keep this offer as my time is limited.

But for now you can get it by Clicking Here or the button below




Are you automating your internet business yet?

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