Are Affiliate Links Reliable When Making Money Online?

Are Affiliate Links Reliable When Making Money Online?

I have been affiliate marketing for about 16 years, 14 of those years seriously the first two kinda playing around having no idea what I was doing.  The thing I want to discuss with you today is the reliability of affiliate links when using them in your online business.

Of course we would all love to believe that these tracking links will all work perfectly but the truth of the matter is they often don’t and failed tracking links can end up being costly to our online business.

Think about it imagine over the years you place your affiliate links everywhere, all over the internet in blog posts, below videos on social networks etc.  If done properly over a period of time these affiliate links can generate you a lot of income, but if they don’t work properly then you have got a financial problem.

Yes you are leaking money left right and centre thanks to affiliate links that do not track correctly or do not work, or it could be due to unfair or unethical manipulation if the business owner is not trustworthy. Of course although not likely, this is also a possibility.

The thing is I can tell one particular autoresponder company, in fact probably one of, if not the top one in the world regularly messes up my affiliate tracking links.

It’s got to the stage now every time I manually sign someone up with their affiliate link I go on live chat and check if they have been added to my downline.

The same has happened twice out of the last 4 signups in one of my other businesses as well, in fact just two nights ago I signed up a new member to one of my businesses.


And I discovered last night that after her paying an annual membership she was not showing in my downline, The thing is I was on a zoom with her sharing the screen and saw her click my affiliate link to sign up for the program so it was no mistake on my part.  This was definitely a tracking link glitch.

Now of course these are the mistakes I know about, what about all the ones who clicked on links on my websites over the years and did not get tracked properly.   The thought is quite scary.

Of course if you are not worried about losing a few hundred or a few thousand or tens of thousands of dollars this way then why bother have any alternative to make money online.

On the other hand if you are tired of tracking links not working and you paying the price, or are tired of joining companies only to discover it is a nightmare getting money out of the compensation plan, or payments out of them then there is a very simple alternative.

Create your own products and services and sell them on your website using your own shopping cart, that means when a payment actually comes in it goes directly to you and nobody else but you.  You do need to rely on tracking links for your own income.

Just use a bit of software to create your own E-Book or you can do a video course or provide a service to your readers, they click on the buy button and send you money directly to your bank or Paypal account .

This is a simple solution to not losing affiliate commission payments regularly and will safeguard your income against faulty tracking links, it will also make you look like the expert in your niche, brand you better and put you in full control of your income, instead of relying on somebody else.

If you want my help to setup something like this then feel free to schedule a Free 30 Minute Call and we can discuss it in more detail, you will need to purchase a shopping cart and E-Book Software to be able to set it up correctly using the methods that I teach you.

The tools necessary vary from $27 till $595 for the shopping cart (One Off Lifetime License) but the crazy thing is you can get this money back in a couple of sales, which I will be able to show you on the call.  The thing is we can make money or we can make excuses but we can’t do both at the same time 🙂

If you haven’t already feel free to follow me on Social Media and I will follow you back.

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Are Affiliate Links Reliable When Making Money Online?

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