Adventures From Bulgaria

As I write this blog post I am sitting in the garage in Sveti Vlas waiting for the car which is in the garage getting some work done.

I think I will write a blog post later on the subject of the car as it has given us so much entertainment throughout the journey, but I will leave that for another day.

I am finding adapting to the 37-degree temperatures pretty difficult a bit of heat is great but this is getting dry roasted.

The locals generally do very little between 12 and 4 pm many go for a siesta in their air-conditioned rooms while the tourists all get dry roasted on the beach all day, before spending a day or two in their hotel rooms trying to recover from it.

A trip to the nearby beach or pool can cool you down nicely though.

Xander is playing games and music on the iPhone

In the meanwhile, Xander’s brothers are chilling by the pool in the hotel at the Denevi Resort not far up the road.

Okay so keeping it short and sweet today, if you would like to be able to create passive income streams that pay you while you travel feel free to check out my Free Blogging Training just Click Here and enter your best email to get Free Access


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