Work From Home Freedom Formula

Work From Home Freedom Formula

When you decide to work from home life changes, getting accustomed to the challenges and obstacles along the road to financial freedom may be simple, but are not necessarily as easy as some people may think. Every day has challenges sometimes big sometimes small, but it is very important to become very focused on your outcome. And on finding the right vehicle to get you to where you want to go.


Some things you may need to think about are.

1. Not having that weekly paycheck that you are accustomed to. Depending on your Internet Business, you may have to wait monthly or even two months or more to get paid affiliate commissions, there is also a threshold you need to earn with many affiliate businesses before they will send you a cheque. E.G. clickbank is 100 dollars tweetadder $50 and different commissions and times to wait depending on what software/products you are selling.

2. Being an affiliate you will rely on other businesses or people to pay you your commissions or for the business you refer. Like in any business there may be unscrupulous people who will try to cheat you out of your commissions or software tracking errors along the way.

3. Selling your own products and services first if you want to build and keep a good reputation your products and services must do what they say, and preferably over deliver rather than the opposite. Otherwise your business may not last very long.You must deal with or outsource someone to deal with complaints, software glitches, and refunds for anyone who decides to refund your products for whatever reason.

Deal with annual personal or company tax returns or pay someone to do it for you.You will probably have outlays for your online business perhaps a shopping cart, autoresponders, hosting, domains, video recording equipment,computers, audio equipment and software of course all these things may be tax deductible expenses, check with a qualified accountant for more information.

4.Dealing with family – your family will need to realise even though you do not go out to a J.O.B. ( I can’t even say the word) 🙁  that you are running a business and will need to be able to work in peace without disruption. I personally enjoy what I do and do not feel it is like a job, I have the freedom of working or not working when I please. So if I want to go out with the family I can 🙂 Or anything else I want to do.

5. Don’t be a cheapskate most successful business owners who make a lot of money have spent a lot of money on their business.  When it comes to your business be careful but don’t be a cheapskate as it could end up costing you a fortune in the long run..

6. Not everything you do will work but When you do find a formula that works keep doing it and perfect it  and systemise it as best you can.

7. Work on yourself daily learn something new read a book watch a video keep educated about your business and what is happening in your niche. That way you will avoid becoming a business dinosaur and your business becoming extinct.

8. Find a mentor someone who is where you want to be, and learn as much as you can from them. Don’t be afraid to pay for the training as the benefit to your financial future could be priceless and is worth investing in.

9. When you think you are having a bad day change your state imagine something wonderful that happened to you in the past. Imagine you are there feel it see it and things will immediately get better.

10. Remember Freedom is priceless but before you can break through the chains of mediocrity and job security you must first be aware  of the limits it is putting on your life. Awareness is the key.

Join me in the perfect Work From home Freedom Formula Business Below.

And start making your dreams become a reality today.  🙂

Work From Home Freedom Formula

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