How Communication Problems Can Affect Your Business And Relationships
Although this is not a thing that many people seem to focus on it can have a huge effect on your business and or your personal life. Â I remember as a child and even as a teenager and throughout my twenties my dad always used to say I think we are having communication problems.

The truth of the matter is the majority of people suffer communication problems on a daily basis on and off throughout their lives and will continue to do so in the future. Although none of us are perfect in this respect striving to get get better in this area could help your income. business and personal relationships a lot.
In case you haven’t noticed many people have an ego let’s just think of the ego as this little man or woman who sit’s on your shoulder all day passing comment on things you are doing saying or thinking. Â This little person also criticises and even whines about what other people are saying too. And this happens conciously or unconciously throughout your day/night every day of your life.
What you have to realise is sometimes this little man/woman tell themselves so many stories that they convince themselves and often you of things that are not even real. Â If you have not thought about that you should maybe refer to the story of the man and the tractor.
The fact is having communication problems with yourself and other people can cause all kinds of havoc in your life and business not forgetting to mention relationships. Watch The Video Below And See For Yourself.
Communications and relationships