Automation That Works And Automation That Doesn’t Work

Automation That Works And Automation That Doesn’t Work

Today I would like to talk to you about automation.

When It comes to online business one of my favourite things is automation.

The thing is automation can make or it can break your business depending on what way that you do it.

I remember in the good old days and Twitter when you could automate your followers and direct messages and using these strategies you could make an absolute fortune on complete autopilot.

Automation That Works VS Automation That Doesn't

There are many automated ways to make money online that really work. But recently I have to say that I have seen a lot of these new Facebook bots being used for marketing.

I’m from what I can see all it seems to do is just to damage marketers credibility.

In fact, I can tell you of 3 people who are very good marketers and I listen to the stuff for a long time.

But after few days of being connected to the Facebook bots and being bombarded with messages 24/7 knowing that they’re just robotic, I can’t even be bothered reading the messages anymore, in fact, it’s kind of a pain in the ass.

Yes, I have to say I’m on the verge of unsubscribing because when it comes to Facebook Messenger it’s much more personalized than reading a tweet on Twitter or a share on Facebook. Or even watching a YouTube video.

Yes, when you try and take over people’s private space to make a quick dollar. I think that’s when you cross over the line with a lot of people.

So, by all means, use automation in your online business but don’t pay the price of pissing off your audience in the process.

Once your credibility has gone online especially from a specific audience it is often gone for good or at least it will be hard to get your lost audience back.

If you’re going to use Facebook messenger bots I would advise you to be careful. Do not torture your prospects 24/7 sending them messages To Watch your latest webinar and your latest trainings.

It’s kind of like the Boy Who Cried Wolf while your prospects see your messages and posts and think they are live they will often respond to them.

Probably by overdoing it with Facebook messenger bots you will make your audience realize that it isn’t really you messaging them, so after a while they will start to ignore you and then when you actually want to send them a message they won’t acknowledge it, because they’ll think it’s probably just a bot or some piece of software or some marketing tactic.

Of course, there are many methods of automation that still work and do not annoy or piss off your prospects as much as messenger messages constantly.

Things like autoresponder email messages, videos showing how to do stuff and providing information and content,


Tweets that have been scheduled to go out on Twitter or posts that have been scheduled to go out on other social networks.  Audios or Podcasts on your website or strategically placed around the web.

Facebook Page post scheduled for the day and posts in Facebook Groups by outsourcers or writer/bloggers


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Automation That Works And Automation That Doesn’t Work

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One thought on “Automation That Works And Automation That Doesn’t Work

  1. Glad to read this post. There is no doubt that today’s technology has made our life easier and faster. Technology is being used everywhere, whether in home, offices, shopping malls, schools, scientific purpose etc.
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    Thanks for sharing this post with us.

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