Armand Morin Live Weekend In London
Am chilling out in the Hotel after an eventful two days in London, have been learning lots of awesome Facebook Marketing strategies over the weekend.
Plus a few other cool traffic sources including a live demonstration on stage where Armand drove 50,000 visitors in 30 mins to a website and generated well over
400 optins in front of our eyes pretty awesome!! He also showed us a awesome sales page software with ready made headlines built in so no need anymore for a top copywriter if you would like to see his built in Marketer CMS theme which has the same options you can get your hands on it at
Some other attendees got there websites taken apart live on stage volunteers of course 🙂  there where lots of really useful selling techniques webinar closing
strategies, to mention just a fraction of the things we where learning. We flew over from Northern Ireland on Thursday and are delighted we came to the
three day event where Armand Morin teaches you live on stage for a full three days. If you have a website or an online business I highly recommend you
go book your tickets right now as there are tickets available at the moment in the UK and USA And Australia. So if you really want to take your online business to a different level.
Go Click Here Right Now and Book Your Tickets right now while they are still available..