Are You Building Your Business Using The Internet Or Is It Stagnating?

Are You Building Your Business Using The Internet Or Is It Stagnating?

Today I am going to touch on a subject that drives me mad.  To me, this determines whether you will have a real business a few years down the line or a stagnating business struggling to keep its head above the water.

If I had £100 for every time people tell me they want to make money online but won’t spend the money they need to setup their business. I would be a billionaire by now.

There are so many people I know who run a business, it could be a traditional business or an online business.  The problem is the majority of these people think than penny pinching is better than growing their business.

I went to an event yesterday, there are normally about 20 or 30 people at it, but yesterday only 6 people turned up.

I only heard it was happening by accident from a friend who happened to go to their Facebook group and see it was on, so if not for that there would have only been 4 people at it.

The man who was doing the talk came from the other side of Ireland to do the presentation, so he would have paid a good bit of money for diesel. And spent lots of his valuable time on the journey plus another 6 hours actually doing the presentation.

Then add in the cost for the conference room and I am pretty sure he made no profit at all.

7 Daily Disciplines To Build Your Online Business (Day 1)

Now if you think that your business should not be profitable or you have someone else who pays your keep, then that may be fine.

The thing is for any business to run or pay it’s expenses and make it worthwhile, you need to grow it and also make a profit, unless you are running a charity and you do it for free.

Creating a contactable database of your customers is very simple and effective, if you do it the right way.

Especially when it comes to getting customers back to your business or website or if you are running events.

It takes a lot more effort and costs a lot more money to create new customers than to communicate with people who have already done business with you.

So something as simple as taking the names, mobile numbers and email addresses of your customers will make it simple to text or email them.  Next time you want them to visit your business or when you have a new event, just send them a message.


I have had people spend a few hundred dollars to set their website up, wasted four – eight hours of my time showing and helping them to set everything up.

Then after swallowing the donkey as my dad would say they choke on the tail.

They cancel their autoresponder and or their shopping cart. This immediately turns their business into a stagnating pool, that cannot take payments.

They then have to wait and hope some new people will stumble upon their website, and do nothing. Let’s face it, if people can’t buy your product or service and pay you or cannot be added to your contact list then they are pretty much useless to your business.


I know from experience that an online business can make you 7k monthly with a bit of effort, and lots more if you are really focused.  I can also guarantee you that the people who never create or share content, the people who get rid of their autoresponder to save $20 – $100 a month will always remain broke, from that business anyway. Unless of course they are on a busy high street and pay extortionate rates, taxes and other bills.  (No complaints there right? lol)

It’s easy to tell who will be successful or fail online in the first year by the things they do, or the things they don’t do.

Of course if this is you, only you can decide.

Imagine for example you are running a regular meeting or event, You are maybe getting 20 people per night to the event.   By simply asking these people to fill in their name, email and tel. no. after a few months you could build a database of hundreds of people.

Next time you are having a meeting or event you email 500 people who have been already to one of your meetings, chances are you will get a lot more than 7 people, right?

In fact the autoresponder can send them a reminder a week before, two days before, a day before and finally a few hours before it starts.

Your shopping cart can take the payments for the event.  Remember once people have paid, they are a lot more likely to show up than someone who pays at the door.


If it’s your business, only you can decide which type of business owner you will be.  The person who scrimps and saves pennies and has an empty shop, or the business owner who sets up systems to build their business, and grows it and gets paid daily.

Only you can decide.

If you haven’t yet got your business online yet you can click here to order my Business Blog Setup package.  And get your business systems up and running on the Internet, so like me you can start making money while you sleep.


Are You Building Your Business Using The Internet Or Is It Stagnating?

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