Today I Learned Lots Of Blogging Tips
The problem with learning sometimes is that you can get too busy learning and to not spend enough time doing the things that you need to do.
Today I figured out how to use a lot of new Facebook plug-ins. In amongst a lot of other things so now if you post comments at the bottom of my blog post. It will now appear on Facebook too.
I also managed to get my hands on a new plug-in that can see what WordPress themes or plug-ins my competitors are using. This is a really handy tool to have and will help to make my life much easier in the future.
I spent quite a lot of day playing around with this new tool visiting lots of competitors blogs and seeing all the latest plug-ins they are using. Once again this evening I am using the speech to text writing function while doing this blog post.
I was going to do a couple of different training videos today but ran out of time as I had a lot of other websites to update today. So I’m planning to get them done tomorrow so you can look forward to a few cool tips and training videos coming your way tomorrow.
How would also would be interested to hear of any real good plug-ins that you use on your own blog or website. We would all be most grateful I’m sure if you post them in the Facebook comments box below this post. In fact after a lot of browsing around today I got some ideas to maybe change some of my blogs as well so that will be some more work to keep me occupied for the next few weeks. The upside of having a lot of blogs and websites is there are a lot of interesting topics to cover. Unfortunately the downside is that there is a lot more work to do and many more things to be updated regularly.
It’s a good job that I enjoy when actually do that way it doesn’t seem like such a task in fact I really enjoy it. if you have any topics or any questions I’m blogging or Internet marketing then once again feel free to post them below and the Facebook comments section. I think you need to be logged into your Facebook account first before you can post a comment but I’m not hundred percent sure. I would just like to thank you for clicking on the link and visiting this post today. I hope to see you again soon if you haven’t already enter your email up above to get instant access to the largest Internet marketing Home business and MLM Facebook groups to advertise your business on.
If you want to join me in my business and get access to free training from me then click the button at the bottom of this post to get your phone viral blogging system catch you later.
Today I Learned Lots Of Blogging Tips