5 Fun Ways to Avoid January Blues When You are Working From Home

January can be a month of resets, self-improvement, and new starts. January can also be a month of depressions, non-motivation, and feeling burned out.

When you are working from home you are very likely to spend a good chunk of your day in front of your computer. Keeping up with the workload while working in an office away from home creates clear boundaries. You know that your workday is over once you leave the office.

When your office is in your home there is a certain level of bond associated with it. It is easy to get into a not very dynamic circle of wanting to get things done without taking time off or doing anything for fun. When this happens you may start feeling down especially in January and in some cases, feeling burned out.

If this sounds like you, it may be time to do something about it. Sometimes a simple 10-15 minute activity can bring a great sense of fun into your day and help you avoid January blues.

  1. Add an extra hour of sleep.

You may be feeling down because you are physically tired and your body needs more sleep. It is perfectly natural to feel a bit run down during the colder and darker time of the year. If you can go to bed an hour early every night or stay in bed an extra hour in the morning, depending on your responsibilities.

Maybe a short afternoon nap is what you can include in your day. Sleeping and resting your body will boost your mood and you feel better working and completing your tasks.

    2. Play a fun Game on Your Computer/Laptop

For this one, you don’t even have to get off your seat. It is a great mood booster and a wonderful time to get the younger members of your family involved. If you are a keen cook you can enjoy some of the games about food. 



If you have kids and they are looking for your company this might be a good way to spend some time and take turns playing a game. It’s a good way to let them stay with you for a bit. Ideally set a timer and have fun. Most games do have a timer, too so it makes it really easy to

     3. Get outside 

Instead of going into the kitchen during your lunch break, you can bring your food outside (weather permitting). If you are not a fan of eating outside you might enjoy a short walk after tour lunch. About a 20-30 minute walk will help you feel more energized. You will get some Vitamin D, which may help boost your mood.


4. Load up your plate with vegetables. 

There are no side effects of eating too many vegetables. The winter months invite you to cook up a nice warming mixed vegetable traybake or a stew. Experiment with new flavours and add a new dish or soup to your home menu. Visit a new restaurant/takeaway where food is freshly on the spot. Choose a cuisine you haven’t tried before like Nepalese or Filipino where vegetables are flavoured and prepared in a completely different way to what you are used to.


      5. Try something new

Every year is different. Think up a few simple and fun things to do either by yourself or with a friend. Maybe start with losing yourself in a book. Pick a nice pageturner and see how you like it. Get yourself a set of paints and a brand new white canvas. Paint something. How about joining a class of some activity that you have been meaning to do. See how you like it. The list is endless, pick something and have fun.

Sometimes no matter how hard you try to lift yourself up it’s better to let it be. It is normal to feel down or have a lack of energy during the darker and colder months. There is a biological reason you might be feeling that way, including a lack of sunlight and efficient good nutrition and rest.

So don’t hesitate to ask for help if you feel stuck, but do something fun anyway. Why don’t you play one of the fun food games here?

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