7 Affiliate Products That Pay $100 Or More In Commissions

7 Affiliate Products That Pay $100 Or More In Commissions

When it comes to affiliate marketing many people fail to realise the difference between financial freedom and being broke often = High Affiliate Commission Percentages % And High Ticket Commissions.

I see newbies all the time trying to scrimp and save and get things for free, then after creating their website on a free hosting account(On someone else’s hosting), they start selling Amazon products as an affiliate paying out a measly 3% commissions. The sad part is that these people after creating a few blog posts and listing some of these products start to get excited and are anticipating financial freedom coming round the corner any day.

7 Affiliate Products That Pay $100 Or More In Commissions

Let’s take the average book on Amazon at say $10 if someone buys that book from their website they will make 30cents.  If their financial freedom number is $3000 per month that means they need to sell 10,000 books per month from their blog or website to reach their financial freedom number.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but for a newbie to sell 10,000 books a month from their blog or website, it is a very slim chance of them ever reaching this target. The person who will get the most from this transaction will probably be Amazon.

So if you want to spend your time getting paid pennies to make Amazon richer then this may be the business plan for you.

If you are cringing like me when you hear these figures and think there must be a better way, then there is.

Unfortunately, if you are in the freebie newbies club and want to do everything cheap or for free then this method won’t work as you need to invest some money in some products or services before selling them and getting a great ROI (Return On Investment).

When you sell higher ticket products that pay out over $100 one-off or residual commissions life gets much easier and having a liveable online income becomes much more realistic.

Example one of the businesses below pays out a $1oo a month residual commission, which means if you sign up and keep 30 members you will earn a $3000 a month income, of course, there are other products that create a $347 one-off commission.  Ten monthly new sales of these will pay you a $3470 a month income. This looks and is a lot more realistic and possible than trying to sell 10,000 Amazon books per month as an affiliate at 3%.

Selling is much easier when you are a buyer, many people starting out selling products or services do not realise this, and until they learn this lesson it will continue to cost them lots of $$$$$$$$$

If you want to be honest and real when selling products or doing reviews online I would recommend you buy and use the products first before you review them.  There is nothing to me that is worse than trying to sell a product you have never used in a review as you are blatantly lying about the product if you do as you have no experience of buying and using it.

Okay so here are my favourite products that pay over $100 in commissions and a link to get access to them.

  1. HBA – This is a full online business training membership site containing years of great pieces of training on building your online business, these are created and updated regularly and cover everything from affiliate marketing, setting up your autoresponders, building a mailing list, driving traffic, video marketing, blogging and most other digital marketing training that you could think of. We also have a live weekly mastermind we meet up and hold each other accountable, we also have Facebook Groups to get more comments on our blog posts and videos.

Click Here To Try HBA For $1

2. Shopping Cart – Taking payments and having a product or service to sell and manage affiliates is one thing that will greatly increase your online revenue and take you from looking like a beginner to a pro marketer, luckily at the moment there is a lifetime license available for this shopping cart, it pays out 50% commissions approx $297 to $347 per sale and is something that most marketers online really need to take their business to the next level.  I have made in excess of $6k promoting this and would highly recommend you buy it and do the same. 🙂 It’s time to stop messing around with tiny commissions and take your online business to the next level.

Click Here To Find Out More.

3. Finance Literacy Course – If you want to master something then you need to study it, with the financial literacy course you will learn how to master your finances, how to setup the tax structures for your online business. Also ways to make and keep your money, mastering your finances.

Click Here For More Info

4. Opt-in Conversion Software – If want more customers and sales in your business, then building a targeted list of readers, prospects or clients is essential. Using the right software will change the game for you by increasing your subscriber base and gaining you more future $$$$$

Click Here To See The Software

5. Membership Site Software – Creating a membership site and plugging it all together is one of the biggest challenges that online business owners have faced up until now.

Some of the challenges include

Hooking your paid members into your payment system automatically and canceling membership for people who don’t pay after a specific period of time.

Having a private protected area for members only live trainings

Adding a discussion forum to your paid membership site

One to one private coaching live-chat

Creating a prelaunch page

Creating an opt-in page

Creating a sales page

Creating a sales video page

Creating a podcast downloads page

And lots lots more to get 1 months access Free Trial click here


6. Video Marketing Training Academy (Coming Soon)

7. Digimarketing Academy Elite Membership $1000 commissions (Coming Soon)

Click Here To Get On The Notification List

P.S. Remember if you are selling cheap or low priced products or services online this will dramatically reduce the amount of commission that you will be able to earn.

This will make that dream of quitting your job and having your own online business much harder to achieve.

With all of my high ticket products, I offer my team members free bonuses including free access to some of my paid membership training courses and one on one coaching.  So notify me when ordering them through my links above.


7 Affiliate Products That Pay $100 Or More In Commissions

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