10 Top Tools For Video Marketing

10 Top Tools For Video Marketing

I preach this regularly to people who are not making money online, this attitude of talking about buying something when you start making money online sucks and will keep you broke.

If you want a McDonalds you need to pay 500,000 you need a chip pan a till you need to pay staff, you need to keep Health And Safety Happy, or your business will never make a penny.

Let’s imagine and pretend that one day you went out for a walk and you were walking past a farm, you saw a farmer standing at the side of his field as an autumn breeze was blowing and just at that moment he made a statement.

He said out loud I have no money for seeds this year I can’t afford it (He was talking to the field) but if you give me a really big crop this year and make me lots of money, I will buy you loads of the best seeds next year.

At this stage you probably started thinking to yourself has this guy lost his head or what? 

Unfortunately, I hear broke people like this say these words every day, and it’s always the most broke people who are feeling like victims that will say, I cannot afford to buy hosting or an autoresponder now I will buy one when the internet makes me some money. I cannot afford to buy a shopping cart but when someone manages to pay me without having a payment system I will buy one. Or an even better one he told me to buy that when instead I could have got something for free, the bottom line is when you scrimp on your online business you will end up with a cheap shoddy business that does not work but the worst thing is that broke mentality.   When you have your hand wrapped tightly holding on to your last $20 your fist is shut tightly so no one can pay you.  It’s the law of reciprocity you get back what you give or buy.  Don’t be tight when it comes to building an online business.

When it comes to buying the top tools for video marketing you need to make the decision to buy otherwise you will stay in the same place that you are and your video campaigns will not improve.  When you get better, when your campaigns get better. Then your income increases so choosing to look for ways to raise the money to buy the things you need is essential.

if you want to get the results of the top ten percent of video marketers that make the most money you need to do what they do.

The same goes for anything that you want. You start by you making the decision the universe and you will take action together to make the things that you have decided start to happen. It may not happen instantly but the more you focus on and take action on it the quicker it will happen.

10 Top Tools For Video Marketing

Here is a rundown of all my favourite online tools for video marketing if you haven’t the money to buy them all at once start buying the ones you can and bookmark this page so you can come back again.

I will be regularly updating this page with all the best video marketing tools to run your online business.

Here is a rundown of the 10 Top Tools For Video Marketing 

  1. Swarmify – Video Hosting At A Price That you Can afford no need to worry about YouTube deleting your videos ever again, with your own hosting account your videos are safe Click Here For More Info
  2. Vidnami  – This allows you to create professional videos using AI features and creating subtitles on all your videos from your desktop or laptop computer Click Here To See Vidnami In Action
  3. Pressplay – If you are using YouTube Videos then your customers are leaving your website via YouTube Videos. What Pressplay does is creates a pretty player that protects your readers from leaving your website. You just stick your YouTube video URL in the player and you have a professional-looking video that keeps your readers on your page.  Click Here To Find Out More
  4. Publitio–  This is another safe video hosting that will stop you from losing your video content to websites like YouTube or Vimeo if you want to keep your videos and online assets safe then this is one for You Click Here For More Info
  5. Camtasia – One of the oldest but still the best video screen capture software and editor built-in, These have always been my highest converting videos since when I started marketing online many years ago  Click Here For More Info
  6. Loom  – This is also a screen capture and video editing software the difference between it and Camtasia is your video is in a circle instead of a square when you turn your video camera on. Click Here For More Info
  7. Doodly – This is the easy-to-use Hand Drawing Software you can create these cartoons with voiceovers and background music which is also included in the purchase.  Click Here For More Info
  8. Toonly – Help you create excellent professional Cartoon explainer videos in seconds  Click Here For More Info
  9. Easy VSL – Helps you to create high converting slideshow and explainer videos in seconds Click Here For More Info 
  10. Tube Buddy – Everything You Need To Build Up Your YouTube Channel  Click Here For More Info

To find out more me and how I can help you build your online business Click Here

10 Top Tools For Video Marketing

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10 thoughts on “10 Top Tools For Video Marketing

  1. Video is on the rise and we should focus on it more. From this list, the only one I’ve heard of is Camtasia. Probably because it’s one of the oldest. I am happy to read it still is considered among the top tools. I think I’ll start by giving it a try. Thank you very much for your introduction to all these tools.

  2. I guess I’m one of those newbies saying that I need to be making videos to drive traffic to my website. I enjoyed reading your list of video makers and the reminder that what I load onto YouTube can be ripped off. You have some great ideas that I haven’t heard of although I have heard of Vidnami before, it’s a great tool.

    A very helpful article that I will bookmark.

    1. Thank you Lily for your comment, I am a big fan of the software even my son used the software this to transcribe a 1-hour video easily and made himself an extra £25.  Have a great weekend 

      Successful Blogging 🙂


  3. This was an interesting article to read and was definitely worth my time! Starting up any kind of business whether it be in real life or on the internet requires some form of investment. And using video marketing is a great way to advertise your products or create valuable content that has affiliate links in the description. One of my friends actually uses camtasia for his let’s play channel and the videos turned out pretty decent. Thanks for this informative article!

    1. Thank you Gabriel much appreciated I have had Camtasia for many years, this software has generated me a lot of sales over the years and I would not be without it 🙂

      Have a great weekend 


  4. Hi, thanks for this great article on the 10 top tools for video marketing, nowadays people can focus more when watching videos compare to just reading plain articles, so I think using the right video tools to market your business is a great idea. As a blogger I think I prefer pressplay and publitio video marketing tools, for the simple reason that these help to keep my potential customers in my websites. Thanks again for sharing this! 

    1. Yeah they are great I bought another tool this week as well but my tool of the month is surely Vidnami. Thanks for your comment Nedia have a great weekend.


  5. Thanks for bringing us this good information on tools for video marketing.

    You really do bring it home loud and clear that you need to invest in your business to get any real return from it.  I think many people are afraid to spend money in case they waste it, but you will only ever get something out, if you are prepared to put something in.

    I have been building my website for some time and now need to get started on the video side of things.

    I will certainly check out these tools to help me get started.

    1. Yeah, video marketing is getting more and more important for online businesses, And the right tools can make things a lot easier and look more professional.  Thank you Geoff for your comments much appreciated have a great weekend 🙂

      Sotiris Bassakaropoulos

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