Why Babysitting Your Clients Too Much Can Set Them Up For Failure.

Why Babysitting Your Clients Too Much Can Set Them Up For Failure.

The bottom line is when it comes to making money online you need some gumption, some get up and go.

And unfortunately, some people can mistake making money online with someone doing everything for them.

There is a problem and that is in the digital marketing world as in the real world. There are certain people that want to be carried and yes you can carry a few before it becomes a problem.

So big of a problem in fact, that eventually, you don’t have any time to be able to get on with your own business and life.

I remember one of my favourite Philosophers Jim Rohn used to say you can carry one person on your back but you can’t carry ten.

And in many aspects of life and in your business this rings so true.

You can fish for someone but they will become reliant on you to go fishing for them every day, with one person that might be okay, but what happens when you have 100 people that want you to fish for them every day for free.

At this stage, you will be so busy trying to fish for everyone else you will starve.  Your health and lifestyle will suffer you will have no free time, and worst of all you will have no time to think or organise your health your time your work, or your finances.


If you are going to be successful in any business you can shortcut your way by getting a mentor, they will show you the tools and principles to make money or do whatever they are teaching you to do.

Unfortunately at some stage, you are going to have to take action, yes doing the work and making the effort is totally your responsibility, not your mentors.

If you have a question that you really need your mentor’s help with then communicating with a message or email is necessary.

On the other hand, if you have a video library of training on the program you joined then calling your mentor to hold your hand for two hours (After you have already been shown three times) How you do a blog post is not a productive way to use your mentors time, and as you don’t even have to think as your mentor is practically doing it for you then you will not learn anything.

Why Babysitting Your Clients Too Much Can Set Them Up For Failure.

I have worked with 4 clients over my 15 years in online business that were on benefits.

I am not talking about child benefits or tax rebates I mean benefits that they were unemployed, most of them made a half-assed effort (Practically None really) because firstly they were looking for a get rich scheme and make $$$$$ before they could quit the benefits. The problem with this is there is a subconscious fear of making money going on, they are afraid if they make money they will lose their benefits.

You can’t confidently teach people stuff or sell them stuff when you know the payments in many cases are not even being paid to you but a friend or relative in some cases.

Your mindset and some get up and go to do what is needed will separate the successful people from the failures.

If you want to be successful in digital marketing you.


1. You need to have the right tools.

2. You need the right mindset

3. You should listen to your mentor unless you have some doubts about them and in that case what are you even working with them for.

4. Don’t play the blame game – If you bought a shit course or a dodgy product you are responsible. If you bought a website and didn’t post on it and market the hell out of it and monetise it then you are at fault. 

5. Don’t act like a newbie – When someone with 15 years of experience has mentored you for 20 hours on digital marketing you will have more knowledge than 80% of other people in the same business. So stop pretending or acting like a newbie that is just an excuse to do nothing and get nowhere. 

6. I saw someone who quit their website recently, their last blog post was in February they made three posts in total and strangely enough made three sales from the posts, If they had made 100 Posts they could have made 100 or more sales but instead of doing the work they did no content or sharing of content for two months and then announced they are making a different type of website that is harder to work with. (Thankfully I don’t work with that platform so my services won’t be required, Phew… ) If they put in the same work and don’t post on their website for 2 months will be interesting to see their new results Hmm. 

At some stage, as a mentor, you need to recognise certain behaviours in clients and ask yourself is it going to be really worthwhile to teach certain types of people because at the end of the day we are here to guide people on the road to success and results and if they are not ready or willing to travel down that road. Then we are doing both our clients and ourselves a disservice by even working with them in the first place.

I can honestly say after having my first client from hell in the last 15 years recently I am having a serious rethink on my vetting procedure when it comes to working with clients in the future.

This client made up a pack of lies spread them all around the funny part is they didn’t pay for anything they got someone else to pay it. After having their site working they got someone who called themselves a WordPress expert after two months their site is now showing a danger sign I had their site ready in days and ready to take payments and here they are after two months with a WordPress Expert here is what they have to show

I remember many years ago Frank Kern saying that the majority of his high-paying clients he hardly ever heard from them but the ones spending their last $50 living with a victim mentality were hard work.

I have to say I am inclined to agree with his statement big time.  Most broke people want something for nothing and if they actually pay whew it’s time to work your ass off.

Remember You Can Make Money Or You Can Make Excuses But You Can’t Do Both At The Same Time

Why Babysitting Your Clients Too Much Can Set Them Up For Failure.

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