Wheel Of Life

Wheel Of Life Todays post is about the wheel of life the better the score you can get in the game of life the better your life will get there are different areas in your life first thing you must do is pick a category of your life.

The categories consists of

1. Health
2. Wealth
3. Family And Friends
4. Playtime Hobbies And Fun
5. Relationships
6. Career/Job
7. Personal Space
8. Contribution Spirituality

Take each one of these areas of your life and rate each area of your life with a score from 1-10
1 Being very unhappy to 10 being overjoyed in that area.

Something you could do is pick two of these categories of your life which you want to improve and take two action steps to improve them starting today.

Lets Get Started

I was talking to someone this evening regarding health which is a topic that many people have very little understanding of. As they listen to TV Pharmaceutical and Adverting Brainwashing all their life and don’t have any idea of the reality of what is healthy or what is not.

Here is a website with some useful healthtips you may like

Wheel Of Life

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