What Are The Things That Will Make You Change?

A lot of people live life in their comfort zone and this is something you can do for a long time, the problem is a lot of things in your comfort zone will end up making your life harder in the long run.

Life is a matter of balance and eventually living in your comfort zone will eventually end up putting your life out of balance, when this happens things can get extremely uncomfortable.

At this moment I am in a really uncomfortable situation in my life and in some of my family relationships, it feels like I am going into very uncomfortable territory I am weeks away from 50 I have had a failed marriage my health has had a lot of issues and the prospect of looking for another relationship or ending up spending the rest of my life alone is very daunting for me.

Unfortunately I got into a relationship with someone who came from a very cold race of people, loving, care and compassion are not high on their agenda, and for me there was a huge personality clash for many years. After a lot of misery and discomfort I have made a decision to change this of course it could likely get a lot worse my life before it get’s better. 

This sadness thinking about my life and browsing through pictures of my dad who died over 14 years ago has left me feeling in a place that I felt 14 years ago when my wife had an affair and cut my life to pieces.

I remember walking all night around my pond (24FT x12 FT) all night thinking about ending it all, but I couldn’t as I had 3 young boys and I could not leave them even if my wife had taken them away from me.


I discovered during this time what a cold heartless person she could be I found it unbelievable that this was the person that I got married too. After my dreams growing up of what my relationships might be like this was really not it. 

Of course I was not perfect but living with someone who doesn’t support me in my dreams, my visions my business, someone who was angry or jealous with anything I bought or achieved, someone who wanted me to throw out my dad’s belongings in order to come back to live with me, when my dad was dead less than 5 months.  

Someone who blamed my belongings for every problem in her life.

What Are The Things That Will Make You Change?

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