There Is No Try – You Either Do It Or Don’t Do It

There Is No Try – You Either Do It Or Don’t Do It

When I hear people say that they will try I cringe as in most cases the word try is more than halfway to failing.  If you are going to be hanging off a cliff without a rope and your friend says I will try to get there on that day.  To throw you a rope down to get back up the cliff would you leave yourself stranded in the middle of the cliff without a rope? Thinking my friend will try to be here soon because he said he would try.

The same goes for someone starting an online business, if someone says to me they will try to start an online business, chances are they will give up within the first month.

On the other hand, if the person says I am going to post 5 blog posts every week. And I am going to sit down every Monday and write the 5 blog posts and not stop until they are finished.

Then that is someone who is most likely going to be a future mover and a shaker.

It is easy to tell by the words they use that they are determined to get the things done in their business and that is what is necessary if they want to become successful and really move forward in their business.

So next time you are ready to say that you will try to do something, choose your words wisely if you really want to make your business or other goals a reality. I am in the process of launching a new Digital Marketing Training Site.  And there will be a reduced access price for a limited amount of new members.

There will be three levels in the new membership site,  Basic Business, Blogging training, and Social Media training to get your business out all over the internet. There will be an advanced membership for more advanced blogging training and technique’s there will also be an elite membership level. Which will comprise of personal 1 on 1 coaching with me for 1 full year?

If you would like to find out more or get pre-registered and on our notifications list, for when we go live you can do so by visiting DigiMarketingAcademy.Com


There Is No Try – You Either Do It Or Don’t Do It


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