Net Radio Sales Puts the Power of Internet Radio to Work for Advertisers

Net Radio Sales Puts the Power of Internet Radio to Work for Advertisers

Housatonic, MA (PRWEB) April 15, 2004 –

– The launch of the largest network of independent Internet radio stations available to advertisers today has occurred with the debut of Net Radio Sales, a sales representation firm representing a network of Internet radio stations that reaches approximately 20% of the total Internet radio listening audience in the U.S.

Stations represented in the network include such popular independent Internet radio brands as,,,, and, as well as large networks of stations like Adsertion Technologies.

“Internet radio continues to develop into a powerful medium for advertisers,” said Net Radio Sales President Jennifer Lane. “With a total monthly audience that has topped 30 million Americans, advertisers are beginning to take notice of the opportunities Internet radio presents for reaching affluent and educated adults – particularly professionals in the workplace.“

According to Lane, while the stations owned by multimedia conglomerates such as AOL and Yahoo have their own sales efforts, there was an opportunity for a rep firm to specifically represent independent webcasters. “Independent stations are the ones offering creative programming and flexible ad opportunities.” she added.

“Net Radio Sales is dedicated to the concept that Internet Radio is unique, and the things that make it unique – such as the fact that the audience is online, primarily at work, and upscale – are also the things that make it highly sellable,” said Lane. “Net Radio Sales is working with agencies and advertisers to realize the unique potential of Internet radio.”

Lane, who is also Director of Radio and Internet for Aritaur Communications, is a twenty-year veteran of the broadcast radio industry. She brings experience in local and national broadcast radio sales to Internet radio to present advertisers with an approach to the medium that can be immediately integrated into broadcast media planning. Leading the Net Radio Sales team are Kevin Shively, former VP of on the east coast, and Eric Floyd, formerly of Hiwire and Live365 on the west coast.

Kurt Hanson, founder of and publisher of “RAIN: Radio And Internet Newsletter,” chose Net Radio Sales to represent his popular Internet radio brand because of their unique approach to selling Internet radio. “They are filling the role of our internal sales team, helping us maximize the revenue potential of our product by selling not just our audio ads, but also our video gateways and even some banner inventory” Hanson said. “And their approach is working – we have already seen them bring new advertisers to the medium!”

Denise Reiling, senior vice president of business development for Adsertion Technologies – the third largest Internet radio network according to Arbitron – agreed, “We’re already impressed with the results that Net Radio Sales is delivering for our network of stations. We chose Net Radio Sales because their sales team understands and highlights the powerful combination of interactive and audio that Internet Radio brings to the advertiser.”

Net Radio Sales works with agencies and advertisers directly to understand the best way to use Internet radio effectively in national marketing campaigns. Net Radio Sales creates custom campaigns to reach target audience demographics based on the stations and formats that best suit the advertisers’ needs.

In addition to audio campaigns, Net Radio Sales opportunities include contest promotion, video and Flash-based gateway ad units and feature sponsorship branding opportunities. Net Radio Sales has already begun to generate success for both the stations it represents and the advertisers it has attracted to the medium.

For More Information, contact:

Jennifer Lane


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