Free Internet Marketing Guide Just Released, Ideal for Entrepreneurs, Small Businesses and Start-Ups

Free Internet Marketing Guide Just Released, Ideal for Entrepreneurs, Small Businesses and Start-Ups

Internet Marketing Guide

Queensland, Australia (PRWEB) June 4, 2009 The SEO Site, , is proud to announce the release of The eGuide, a free internet how-to manual that shows people the way to set up their own online businesses or websites, and how to get traffic to those sites.
The eGuide provides a wealth of information for people with a good business idea or an existing business, but aren’t sure how to get it up and running, or how to attract traffic to the site. The eGuide is perfect for small businesses, website owners or people looking for employment opportunities. The eGuide shows potential entrepreneurs how to find business opportunities they can market on the Internet.
Ray Baker, founder of the SEO site, says, “I’ve been inundated with questions from friends and relations asking me how I became established with online business marketing and how I managed to get so many visitors to my websites. So I decided to put a guide together they could use, and then it hit me, that just about anybody could use this. So, now anybody can!”
The eGuide is unique because it explains the fundamental issues and steps to achieving success which has eluded so many small business owners. The only drawback is that the eGuide is not available in book shops, but Baker insists this can be a good thing. “People can get it for free and decide if they like it. If they do, they can print it out. That saves a few otherwise wasted trees and unwanted expense. They also have access to the full PDF document of the eGuide once they have finished the email course,” he says.
The guide is distributed in chapters by email every few days. This allows users to absorb the information and have time to implement the steps. There are also additional resources to help with each step. The requirements to use the eGuide successfully are simple: the ability to read and write in English, a computer, an internet connection, any email account and most importantly, the desire to learn.
Regular updates or revisions to The eGuide are sent by email, or when new, valuable information on the subject of Internet marketing becomes available. To learn more and to sign up for the free course, please visit .

Ray Baker

Tel. +617 54487154



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