Clean Out The Fucking Snowflakes

Clean Out The Fucking Snowflakes

This week I am cleaning house, in fact, the snowflakes are disappearing as if by magic. When snowflakes disappear it leaves space for better things to come your way as space abhors a vacuum. It all started with an arrogant woman in the a blogging group decided to pick up an argument with me And got me removed from a group of snowflakes. This woman was like something out of DA Bells, in fact, she would have made cosimodo look like a beauty queen.

Clean Out The Fucking Snowflakes

Then my longtime favorite people today Google Adsense sent me an email because I stopped posting their ads on my websites because they suck, and their rules and regulations suck.  Telling me because there where no ads making money as I removed them all they where deactivating my account.

When I see the number of poor fuckers out there trying to apply and make money from Google Adsense getting paid pennies, I am so grateful to not have to deal with these clowns anymore.  Thank you for your wonderful email. They say BS comes in threes so I got the third one out of the way when a snowflake sent me a message after 5 days saying they lost it because I posted a link to an oh so relevant article on my blog about getting hit up by MLMers on Facebook exactly what her post and my article was about.

I noticed she liked it, then when I went to the post on her wall 15 mins later it was gone.  She deleted it, unfortunately as she has never made money online she must have thought I was stealing her thunder by posting an article.  The joke is I gave her hours of free coaching to help her out as she was having issues. Of course, the repay was her deleting a valuable link for herself and her contacts. And sending me this crazy message about how she lost it 5 days later. lol.. And how rude it was to post a link on someone’s wall.

I think in 14 years of blogging I can tell rude from helpful.  In fact, after one of my rude comments or links in another group, she got her free coaching.

A little blogging FB Etiquette Guide.

If someone creates a post and it is a conversation about a subject on Facebook etc.  And you have wrote some great content that would be interesting to the readers it is fine.

Example if someone from Northern Ireland posts about funny videos, and you have a hilarious video on your blog there is nothing wrong with sharing it.

When someone pastes an irrelevant,  plain selling buy my shit, spammy link on a random blog post, that is rude and I regularly delete people from my Network Marketing Group with 62,000 members for this.

What I can tell you is if you are a snowflake and get offended by someone posting an informative blog post on a Facebook Post. And you are willing to give up coaching worth thousands of dollars for the principle.  Chances are you will always remain broke. Because snowflakes do not make money online very often. And that my friends is just the way it is.

You can choose to be a whiny soft snowflake and suffer broke for the rest of your life, Or get your shit together and start building your online business and give the snowflakes a quick shove off the roof. Yes sometimes you need to clean house, and the universe is sending me that message right now.   🙂

To allow for the good things, the people who get shit done. The people who actually grind instead of whining over petty BS.  Go back to your suckey life my snowflakes, and let me continue to kick ass and roll in more commissions. While you focus on your snowflake problems.


Click Here To Do  The Snowflake Test


Clean Out The Fucking Snowflakes

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