Classified ads are the cheapest way to buy an item in Belfast. Find out why!

Classified ads are the single best way to find a bargain in Belfast. Let’s take this as an example – you are from Belfast, you want to buy a washing machine since yours has died a watery death and you are contemplating a Zanussi with attitude from a high street electrical store. Before you do however, I would suggest picking up the local paper and looking for washing machines in the classified ad section. People that sell items locally, including companies, will usually offer you the exact same product at a discounted rate. This will save you lots of money without compromising on the quality.

If you do not find what you are looking for or you are looking for something extremely specific then ideally you will want to go online. Free classified ad sites are increasing in popularity as people are realising they can get a much better price for the items they want. Plus, there are so many people and products online in comparison to just shopping in your local area. This means that if you need something special that they might not be manufacturing in Belfast and wouldn’t mind getting it delivered from England for example, classified ads online make this possible for you.

The other great thing about using classified ads online is that browsing is easy, you just type in your keyword and all the related products to your search will come up. This takes much less effort than looking through newspapers, ads and brochures. Everything you need can be viewed on the same site whether you are looking for a new house, a new job or a fancy present on a budget. It’s is convenience at its best, really.

In fact, one day, I was shopping in Belfast for a new phone. Only the latest version would do of course and I went into the usual places to find it. When I left Belfast with my dream phone, I was surprised to hear that my frined had found the exact same phone for half the price. Where did she go? To an online classified ad site. It only took her a few minutes to order and yet I had blisters on my feet!

So before you burn a ozonic hole in your pocket buying products at an inflated price, check out all classified ads sites, newspapers and periodicals, you’ll be glad that you did!

By Cherie Magee

By Cherie Magee

If you are looking for a speedy classified ad site that is 100% free and based only in Belfast, or you are wishing to buy/ sell a product or service quickly and completely for free, go to –

“It’s the easiest way to get what you want and save money in Belfast”

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