Be A Victim Or Successful You Choose

Be A Victim Or Successful In The New Year You Choose.

Success in most cases does not happen by accident, there are certain steps that most successful people follow in order to get the desired results in their lives or business.

Lots of people will start off the year like the previous few years with little or no money or liquid investments.

It is easy to act like a victim to whine and complain about all the the things that you are not happy with in your life, your business and your relationships.


When it comes to being successful financially when your money comes in, that is the point of choice. This is when you decide to become rich poor or middle class, it doesn’t matter where the money comes from your job, a windfall, a gift an investment or a lottery win this is the point where you actually decide on your future financial situation. 

If you choose not to invest any of your money into things that will make you cash flow then you will continue being a slave to money and working for money all the time.

If you are in doubt about what to do with your money then there is a video about the money jars in a blog post I made earlier I highly recommend that you watch the video

A portion of your money every time you get paid should be invested of course there are too many investments to be able to mention them all here, but here are a small handful of ideas for you. 

Buying Crypto Currency.                                ClickHere

Trading Crypto Currency.                              Click Here

Investing In Defi Decentralised Finance.   Click Here

Investing in Property Reits.                          Click Here

Buying Stocks And Shares.                            Click Here

Buying Gold And Silver                                  Click Here 

Buying And Selling Real Estate.                   Click Here

Renting Real Estate

Air BNB and Rentals.             Click Here

Buying Land or Developing Land and property

Buying and selling online businesses.          Click Here

Invest in your own online business to generate passive income        Click Here

These are some of the things above that you can use to make money on the journey to financial freedom.

Of course, being successful means also working on other aspects of your life like your health and your relationships as well

And something I also recommend is to listen to good personal development videos as well 

Our New App helps you to write down daily what you need to do to improve your life finances, health, fitness, and much more 

Click Here


Are you playing the victim?



NB Please remember I am not giving investment advice to you this is just my own personal opinion




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9 thoughts on “Be A Victim Or Successful You Choose

  1. I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your article. It brought up some excellent points, particularly the idea that our mindset is a key factor in determining our success or failure.

     I also appreciated your mention of investments as a means of moving up the social ladder. These two points alone are incredibly valuable, but with careful application, they could truly change someone’s life for the better.

  2. You are spot on the “victim” mentality so many have when it comes to building a business online. Boggles my mind how people think they can do nothing but log in and out of their program accounts and post a few updates on social media and get paid life-changing money.

    1. Yeah absolutely the victim mentality is alive and well 🙂 but it is also the road to nowhere.  Taking responsibility is key if someone decides to turn things around. 

  3. Hi Sotiris,
    I just finished reading your piece on choosing between being a victim or successful. It’s thought-provoking and certainly challenges the reader to reflect on their mindset and financial decisions. However, I couldn’t help but notice a strong emphasis on investing in various assets as the primary route to success. While diversifying income streams is sage advice, how do you propose individuals with limited initial capital or financial knowledge begin their journey towards financial freedom? Is there a starting point you’d recommend for those who feel overwhelmed by the vast options and risks associated with investments?
    Thank you for your work and sharing.

    Best regards,

  4. Hi Sotiris, some really great ideas here for investments and some very well-made points as well which I have been guilty of not doing like not investing from each paycheck. Just reading this and seeing it in black and white as you have written it, really makes it stand out!! 

    Thank you for the article and for making someone like me really realize what they should have been doing all along and giving me the nudge I needed to start!!

    1. I am glad to hear this has got you into investment mode Ryan, One of the things I do to make investing easy is I have a revolut account and I create pockets for different things, Decide on a percentage of money that you want to invest and then split it up into separate pockets . An example of my pockets would be 


      Your dream holiday

      Crypto Investing

      Monthly Dividend Shares


      Property Investing/Reits Real Estate Investment Trusts

      New one I discovered the other day DEFI Futures seems to make some serious cashflow. 

      Large car repairs/emergency fund 

      Hope this gives you some more ideas successful investing Ryan. 


  5. I have been looking for a good retirement investment recently. I am 51 and I have some savings, but not nearly enough to retire on for sure. Have you tried any of these investment leads that you have pointed out? What is the success rate of the most successful venture you have tried? It sure couldn’t hurt to boost my savings or even create a very comfortable nest egg.

    Thanks for all the leads.


    1. Hi Stacie thanks for your comment I did a course about two years ago with a lady who became a millionaire who started by investing $400 with her credit cards. All the strategies in the post I have used in the past or am using myself now. I bought £200 of shares in an AI company after an email recommendation by one of Robert Kiyosaki’s advisors.  It went up to £242 in a week which ain’t too bad a return for a week. 🙂

      Although I did invest in properties in my twenties buying, selling and renting them I wished I had known how to invest online in stocks, shares and investments like commodities Silver,Gold Reits (Real Estate Investment Trusts and Crypto earlier.

      I thought Crypto always mainly involved scammers which can be true if you do not buy it from a reputable Crypto exchange and maintain control with your own private keys /wallet. 

      I bought £1000 of a Crypto Coin in 2019 and it went up to $40,000 USD by the time I came back from a 3 month holiday to Bulgaria that was pretty good

      Best regards


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