Hi There I am 35 Years old My Name is Sotiris Bassakaropoulos.
I Think In life we all deserve freedom, pleasure and to be able to make our own Choices in life!
I live in Bangor Northern Ireland and I have Three Brilliant Boys,Aristotle who is 5 years old,Stellios who is 4 years old and Sotiris Jnr 2 or Sotiraki as we call him which means baby Sotiris in Greek.
My Father is originally from Athens and my mother is Irish my wife is from a town in Bulgaria called Targovishte.
We Met in New York in August 2001 will be celebrating our 7th Wedding Anniversary on the 14th of February 2010.

I enjoy travel and meeting interesting people, I am an Entrepreneur.
For pleasure I enjoy going to our four bedroom home in Incaraki Bulgaria on the Black Sea Coast to relax and unwind.Or to Athens to visit my brother and sister and enjoy the laid back hospitable Lifestyle of the Greeks,for me there is nothing else like it in the world.
I am a Internet Marketing Coach and a full time Internet Marketer as I love being able to work from home and watch my kids grow up, unlike many other parents who miss this while they are at work.
I am a big Believer in Passive Income and think that it is very easy to get a job, but the price you pay for that is too high.Compared to becoming an Entrepreneur, Unfortunately being an Entrepreneur is not a quick or easy business but the benefits are to great to pass up!

The Benefits include

1.I decide when I want to go on a holiday or have a day off.
2.I don’t need to take Orders from anyone.
3.I don’t need to go on a blame trip blaming my boss, or the economy for not having enough money,what will be is up to me I am Ultimately Responsible for my Finances.
4. I get to see my three boys who I am so proud of and love so very much, every day of their and my precious lives and spend time with my wife.
5.When I make a mistake I can Learn From It and do a better job next time! Excuse the J.O.B. just over broke pun.
I even find it hard saying that word anymore!
6. I earn my money spend my money and pay taxes on the profit.
7. I don’t have to sit in the office all day or spend hours of my life sitting in traffic jams on the way to work.
8.My Home is My office and what a great office it is!

Disadvantages of Being a Entrepreneur

1. No set wage every week.
2. Can’t blame the boss for my money problems.
3. Can’t avoid mistakes just learn from them.
4. Tax Filing Responsibilities uuurrggghh.
5. Working for yourself can be addictive and you can find it hard to switch off from work sometimes.

By Sotiris Bassakaropoulos

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