7 Things You Should Have On Your Blog

7 Things You Should Have On Your Blog

When it comes to marketing online and blogging there are so many things to learn.  Understanding everything could take many years in fact if you are starting from scratch.  In todays post I would like to give you some things that I have found really useful on my Blogs or Websites and hope that you will find them really useful like I did.

If you have been blogging for a while you will probably be using some or all of these things but if you are a complete newbie you will definetely find them useful to have on your blog or website ..  🙂


1. A contact me page – When people come and visit your website it is very important that you give them a way to contact you of course you could add your Telephone Number or Skype or even your Facebook ,Social Media links etc..  The great thing though it gives people the opportunity to contact you very easily. Here is the Free Software I use for my Contact Me Page  I highly recommend you set one up too.


2. A Visitors Widget – Having a visitors widget gives you the opportunity to see the last ten visitors to your website and also to be able to see what time and country they visited from.  Apart from looking quite cool on the sidebar of your website it can also give you and your visitors an idea of how much traffic you are getting and where they come from and the best part is it is also completely Free.   Click Here To Get The Visitors Widget For Your Blog Or Website.


3. A Popup To Catch Visitors Email Addresses – If you are not building an email list from visitors who visit your blog then you are giving yourself a lot of extra work and costing yourself money at the same time.  You should be able to get anywhere between 3 To 60% of visitors who visit your blog on your email list, that means instead of waiting for someone to find you?  You can send an email out to thousands of subscribers at once, and send them back to your blog or products that you are selling at the push of a button.  In fact not building an email list, is one of the biggest mistakes newbies make when starting an online business. Here is the Popup Software I Use And Also the Autoresponder I use to build my lists.


4. Get A Shopping Cart– If you are going to be selling your own business online, products or services or wanting to manage affiliates then it is a very good idea to get a shopping cart that can manage your business.  You can set your own affilliate payments or percentage payments track any sales or subscribers that  affiliates send to your blogs or sites.  And also manage customers, subscribers and your product database in  whichever currency that you choose.Plus also manage digital delivery and coupon discount codes and upsells.  Click here To Get Access To The Shopping Cart I Use


5. An Amazon Shopping Page – The great thing about an Amazon shopping page is it is 100% FREE to setup and you can make money selling things from your website without having to carry any stock or inventory.  And you won’t even have to deal with the customers,  you can see an example of one of mine here. If you would like to know how to set this up I have created a Free Webinar showing you exactly how to do it..  Register here To Watch The Webinar


6. A Good WordPress Theme – You may not realise it but the theme you have on your blog can impact your SEO.  Negatively or positively in fact on a few occassions I tested changing themes on a few websites I have with some Free WP themes and the decline in traffic was tremendous. Sometimes people starting out online want to save money and that is understandable but reducing your traffic by 900% by using a Free WP theme is not the answer.  This is the theme I use on the majority of my websites for SEO purposes and also because it offers some cool things like revolving  728×90 banners plus social media follow me buttons amongst lots of other things. In fact you can try the theme for Free and see for yourself ..  And feel free to post some feedback in the comments of your results.


7. Your Own Video Hosting –  If you have any interest whatsoever in running a serious online business then you do not want to host your videos on a Free video service.  By all means you can use You Tube Facebook ,Vimeo and a load of other free options for hosting your videos but unless you post your main content on your own video hosting then you risk losing your whole business and possibly many years work for the sake of saving a couple of hundred dollars.   Which is really not a smart move in my opinion , in fact I had one member of my team message me yesterday to tell me that he had his You Tube account deleted.  Yes indeed a years hard work gone at the stroke of a button.   I am making a video about the advice I gave him you will be able to click here to see it..  You can save yourself a lot of hassle time and loss of money in the future by getting yourself this software and being able to host on your own paid hosting account which costs pennies per month


7 Things You Should Have On Your Blog


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