What youre going to read on this page is going to completely change your whole business in the next few months. The old way of marketing your business, of cold calling, contacting warm market might still work for some people. But if you want to be ahead of everyone else in marketing and if you want to leverage the power of the internet and social media to market your business you have to learn what we offer here. So listen carefully to what Im going to tell you. There are 5 important components you need to run a successful online internet marketing campaign. 1.Customized Lead Capture page Not the replicated page of your company but a page that you can customize to promote you and market you as a leader. 2.Build a List: this is not a list of 100 friends and family you know, this is generating 1000s of leads through various internet marketing techniques and having the ability to send e-mails messages to those leads 24/7 on auto pilot. 3.A stream line sales funnel: and what that means is that you have affiliate programs that you can monetize to the 97% of people who will never join your primary business opportunity. This way your efforts of generating those leads are not wasted. 4.Duplicatable System: One of the most important parts of marketing is duplication so that your downline can easily duplicate the system for themselves. We have a system that allows you to train your downline and to teach then to use the exact system you use to …
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5 Components Of A Successful Internet Marketing Campaign
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