How do I do Facebook : How to make your Facebook ads stand out from the herd

With more than 900 million active users worldwide, Facebook is an immensely popular social networking website. Advertising in Facebook definitely makes business sense. Facebook enables you to reach your target market very effectively.

Facebook targeting has become increasingly more powerful and sophisticated, making it much easier to target the right audience with the most potential to convert, rather than try to convince the masses.

However it is a challenge to attract the attention of Facebook users towards your ad. According to experts, people notice the image in a Facebook advertisement first, then they read the headline and then they go through the body of the ad. For you to get attention, your ad should be something remarkable.

Use images that are unconventional. People see many company logos and attractive young women. These are very common. Your image should catch the eye of your visitor instantly. The coloring also plays a role. Ensure that it stands out. If your image has more of blue tones in it, try red border.

While creating the headline, ensure that it is catchy. Include the keyword. Experts are of the opinion that headlines in the form of a question attract more attention than the ones in the form of a statement. A question initiates a communication and compels the other person to respond. It is very important to note that the purpose of an ad is not to boast about your product or service or brand or business. It is to convince the people to buy from you.

In today’s world of multimedia, few people read. You your ad offers a lengthy paragraph, it will not get any attention. It is always a good idea to break up your content. Facebook ad of AppSumo is an ideal example.

It is always advisable to run multiple versions of your ad. It will help you to determine what your target audience will respond to. You need to keep testing. That is the key to success.

Use an original version of the ad as a control to test your changes against. It is always advisable to change one part at a time (image, headline or body). This will make it easier for you to get the combination that works.

By implementing the above-mentioned tips, your ads are more likely to succeed in Facebook.

How do I do Facebook : How to make your Facebook ads stand out from the herd

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