Designevo Review By Sotiris Bassakaropoulos

Designevo Review By Sotiris Bassakaropoulos

Today I will be doing a review of Designevo.

Designevo is a logo creation software. As someone who has been creating websites and selling products online for 13 years I have came across a few Logo creation software packages before.

The first thing I noticed about Designevo was it’s pricing. You can create your first logo for free.


That means you can actually get a result before even buying the software, which is great for anyone working with a low or no budget.  The actual software itself has two price points, which I think are very reasonable.

The first price point is basic version which is a one off  $19.99 US Dollars

The second price point is the plus version which costs  $39.99 US Dollars

Designevo Pricing

There is no big upsells or hypey launches. The software basically does what it says on the tin, it helps you easily create a logo for your website or business.

There are many different ready made categories to choose from, or you can create your own logo using their templates from scratch.

Designevo Logo Templates

Here is one I made earlier using the software, it is an enlarged version.

Ask Sotiris Logo

I prefer this compared to two other logo creation software packages that I bought in the past. The last one I bought was very plain, and it was hard to make any changes or create your own design.

Another software that I bought a few years ago offered a lot of functionality, but the colours were too bright and over the top and you needed to practically become a graphics expert to use it.

I think they also up sold me so many things.  It probably ended up costing me over 1 hundred and maybe nearer $200.  I bought the software for $27 then there was a $47 upgrade, then a Facebook Banner Upgrade, an extra characters upgrade $37 and a few more after that.Most of these upgrades I have never needed or used to this day.


I did get a free copy of the designevo software to do this review.  I am not an affiliate as far as I know there is no affiliate program.

Everything I have told you is my exact thoughts. Unfortunately, when registering for the free copy I picked the wrong package by mistake.  The basic package  instead of the plus package.

I think the software is great and it’s also very good value, I will be paying the extra $20 to upgrade to the next level.  Even if I could have got it for free (What a dumbass lol)  As it is more than worth it.


For any professional business a brand or your logo is important so that people can distinguish your business from other businesses.  So if you are serious about your business it is definitely something you should do.

There are companies who will create a brand or logos for you, many even charging  hundreds or thousands of dollars. For each logo or brand, with your own software you can create as many as you want, for unlimited businesses.

If you want to own the copyright for your design or logo you need to order the plus package which is $39.99 USD

So if you have decided you want to create your first logo today for free.

You can visit and  get started making your new logo today.


Designevo Review By Sotiris Bassakaropoulos

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