20 Reasons Why You Don’t Need A Blog

20 Reasons Why You Don’t Need A Blog

Unfortunately, I felt the need to write this post today, as many people in the world of Internet Business seem to be confused about this. They really don’t get it there is so much disinformation and negative selling out there.

So today I decided to put up some of the reasons and disinformation being put out there by so-called guru’s or disinformation that often people just make up in their head which stops them from creating a substantial online business.


  1. You can post your content on Facebook, blogger, or WordPress.com for free.
  2. One of the guru’s told me I don’t need a website, he also told me ten of his top clients don’t need one, so why would you?
  3. It costs money to buy hosting for a blog I prefer to make money for free.
  4. Someone said blogging is dead so why would I take part in it.
  5. I can spend my money on something else instead or treat myself.
  6. Nobody ever reads blogs anymore everyone watches videos or social media.
  7. Blogging is too complicated and I do not know what to blog about.
  8. I don’t like writing so blogging will be too difficult for me.
  9. I have no idea how I could make money from a blog so it makes it all seem pointless.
  10. I will have to try and generate traffic and visitors to my blog all the time.
  11. A Clickbank Guru told me I didn’t need a blog to make money online.
  12. I don’t think anyone will be interested in what I have to say.
  13. I am too shy or embarrassed to blog. What if people do not like my blog posts or make fun of me.?
  14. I can get my message across on social media Reddit Facebook or Snapchat.
  15. It is easier to build an audience on social media instead of a blog.
  16. People find it more convenient to use social media than a blog.
  17. I don’t think I have the time to blog.
  18. I will need to build a brand and have no idea how to do that.
  19. It costs too much money to get a blog built for you and I don’t know how to start.
  20. I cannot be bothered.

Okay so some people may be impressed or believe these reasons above and of course, that is fine. As we are all entitled to our opinion.

But I would like to clarify some stuff and let you know that most of the time the people who say or believe these things above either have not made $1 online yet.  Or they are a Guru with an alternative agenda to sell their course or product, which could often cost you ten’s hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of dollars.  So below I am going to rewrite the question and elaborate on what the real answer to the question may be. 

20reasonsyoudontneed blog2

a1. You can post your content on Facebook Blogger or WordPress etc for free. 

Answer 1

A1. Is it really FREE? Your content can now be controlled modified or deleted and you have absolutely no control over it as you do not own WordPress.com Blogger.com or Facebook so if some moderator decides to delete your account on FB Blogger or WordPress.com all your content and years of work are deleted? What is that worth to you? What do you get paid per hour?   If you work 20 hours per week on your content and get ten years of content deleted assuming you get paid $10 per hour in your normal job, that’s a loss of 52 weeks work x 10 = $104,000 dollars of your time wasted or lost to save you paying a measly $300 a year on a WordPress.org blog Hosting Account. A pretty stupid choice if you ask me. What do you think?

b2. One of the Gurus told me I don’t need a website he also told me his top ten clients don’t need one so why would you?

A2. Firstly I happened to know the ten clients on his list, in the ads he claimed blogging is dead and that his clients used his capture page software. What he forgot to mention was all the top clients had also WordPress.Org blogs which were posted on regularly.  In fact one of the marketers that I know well has posted a blog post daily for 10 years on his blog, so to me, that was a huge lie and he was caught out on it big time when making such a ridiculous claim.

c3. It costs money to buy hosting for a blog I prefer to make money for free.

A3. I spent my first two years online trying to make money online selling free stuff or at least giving it away. You will never make a penny giving away free stuff unless something is sold on the backend for $$$$$$ you will remain broke. And so will all the people who follow you doing the same stupid thing. If you are in any doubt then watch this video till the end

d4. Someone said blogging is dead so why would I take part in it?

A4. Do you believe everything that people tell you?  There are lots of people who make many hundreds or even thousands or tens of thousands of dollars a month blogging, so what’s stopping you?

E5. I can spend my money on something else instead or treat myself.

A5. Delayed gratification or money invested or reinvested into your business when combined with compounding can create huge returns. buying junk and treating yourself if you are not investing in a business or money producing assets or investments will make you broke. Also, poor spending habits and not investing your money will keep you broke permanently. 

F6. Nobody ever reads blogs anymore everyone watches videos or social media.

A6. I have to say I rarely ever read books anymore, compared to a computer or tablet scrolling through the pages of a book is much more hassle than scrolling through a blog post.  I do however look for information online and when I do if the information is relative I will happily scroll through a short or long blog post, or watch a video or listen to a podcast.  To me, blogging is far from dead and many people prefer reading to watching videos or listening to audios, everyone is different. If people are going to come across blog content daily on the internet it may as well be my content. That way I can build a mailing list grow my readers and possibly make a few $$$$ in the process 🙂 

G7. Blogging is too complicated and I do not know what to blog about.

A7. Blogging is like talking about something you know about or something that interests you, or you are an authority on the subject.  It could also be an interview where you are the interviewer and you interview someone that is an expert in a certain niche or subject.  Blogging is really not complicated at all, if you can have a conversation with someone then you can blog. People often assume to be good at blogging you need to be a good writer, but you don’t. In fact, you can create a video where you ask and answer some questions and just get it transcribed.  The great thing with blogging is the more you do it, the easier it gets especially if you blog regularly. If you do not blog for months at a time then your blogging skills may get a bit rusty. The bottom line is all you need to do is pick a subject, pick a number like with this blog post for example. Reasons you don’t need a blog I used the number 20 and start writing the information it’s really not rocket science. 🙂

On iMacs and most smartphones, you can blog on WordPress just by talking so you don’t need to actually write anything down or type you can just talk your blog post, so if you can talk then you are fully qualified to blog. 

G8. I don’t like writing so blogging will be too difficult for me.

A8. As stated in the answer above you do not need to be able to write or type in order to blog so that is not a valid excuse. As one of my previous mentors used to always say. 

You Can Make Money 

Or You Can Make Excuses

But You Can’t Do Both


G9. I have no idea how I could make money from a blog so it makes it all seem pointless.

A9. There are many people who seem to suffer from this dilemma, but as far as I can see that is down to lack of knowledge or lack of education on the subject, If this is you I offer many different services or businesses where you will get lots of training that will show you many ways to monetize a blog or website Click Here To See Them


H10. I will have to try and generate traffic and visitors to my blog all the time.

A10. If you want a lot of traffic to your blog or website there are many different ways to do it, you can use guest posting, posting great content on your blog which will rank in the search engines, sharing your content on multiple social media platforms, making YouTube videos and posting a link back to your blog article or website, there is also paid traffic, Facebook Ads, Bing Ads, YouTube Ads,Google Adwords though if you are new to blogging I would focus on the Free traffic methods instead. When you decide to do paid traffic find an authority on the subject and learn from them how to do Facebook Ads, YouTube Ads, Google Adwords, Bing Ads ETC. 

The great thing about free traffic is if you do some work and share some content and videos etc out there. You can get free traffic while you sleep, while you are on holiday, while you are celebrating anniversaries or traveling I got three affiliate payments yesterday and two residual commissions while on the boat yesterday from Wales to Dublin. Once you do a bit of work you can get traffic and money from it even while you holiday or take some time off. That is one of the beauties of this business. Although don’t get me wrong you do have to do the work, in the beginning, to get your business off the ground. 


I11. A Clickbank Guru told me I didn’t need a blog to make money online.

A11. People will often do anything to sell their stuff, unfortunately, many people take these people at their word and that is often a huge mistake. Recently one of my potential clients sent me a video of a Clickbank guru who was selling a course on how to make money from Clickbank he stated you don’t need to have a blog or website you just drive traffic to these pages and products, the funny thing was when you Google his name his blog came up with lots of content on it. After some further research, I discovered many of his links all came from his blog URL which obviously drives traffic too.

To me, this is like someone telling you to walk over the mountains because you don’t need a landrover or jeep, while they cruise past you in their jeep and watch you trying to walk the 100 miles. If they are blogging and telling you not to then don’t trust your Clickbank guru and fall for their crap quick sales pitch BS story.


j12. I don’t think anyone will be interested in what I have to say.

A12. There are countless people all around the world in many different situations with many problems they want to solve and lots of questions that they want to get answered. Until you actually put some information or content out on the internet you will have no way of knowing what people are interested in, when you do you will get feedback, some will be good some may be bad but it will help you improve and get better at blogging which in turn will help you get more readers and subscribers. This will eventually also lead to you getting more sales as long as you are selling relevant products or services on your blog or website.


k13. I am too shy or embarrassed to blog. What if people do not like my blog posts or make fun of me?

A13. No matter what you do or where you go you will come across different people, people you like, people you don’t like, happy people, rude people, friendly people angry people. Fortunately, we do not have to stay in bed all day and hide under the covers in case we come into contact with some of these people. Or if we did we would be living a very lonely miserable existence.

For every person who moans winges or complains about your content, there will be many that are 100% complimentary and will love you, love your story or love what you stand for so not creating a blog because a few negative, angry or rude people is not a reason to hide your ideas dreams and value from the world. Doing that would be a big mistake and the thing is if someone ever posts a derogatory comment on your blog you can just delete it and move on. Heck if you want you don’t ever need to even read the comments. Don’t let the negative naysayers whiners and complainers steal your dreams.  Move forward with enthusiasm and watch the amazing business that you will be able to grow over the next few months /years.  Just DO It. 🙂


L14. I can get my message across on social media Reddit Facebook or Snapchat.

A14. Yes, you can, however, there is one small problem none of these social networks are owned by you, which means you do not have any control of what they do with your content. Why on earth would you spend hours weeks months or even years posting content on a social network only to have it all deleted by a disgruntled employee at the click of a button?  If you have strong opinions about specific subjects that other members on the social networks don’t agree with then getting your content or account deleted is even more likely to happen.

If you are going to spend time posting your opinions or sharing ideas or information do it somewhere that you are in control of, like your own paid blog hosting you can then share the link to your blog post on social media that way all your content opinions and ideas remain safe as long as you continue to pay your hosting.


M15. It is easier to build an audience on social media instead of a blog.

A15. You should do both as I said in the previous two paragraphs social networks do not belong to you so any following or audience you build on it can get switched off instantly, I have had a YouTube account with 350 videos and thousands of subscribers terminated for no good reason, had a Twitter account with over 60,000 followers suspended for 5 years before I got it back, daily I see loads of friends getting accounts deleted and content deleted or blocked from doing certain things. So if you do not have a blog it’s like building a business in your neighbors garden, They may want you to set up a Mcdonald’s drive-through on their land, but when they shut it down or change their mind your business is up shit creek without a paddle. Many wannabe entrepreneurs set up their online business like this but when it comes to the crunch it’s hard to watch years of your work going down the drain. So for the sake of a few $$$$ and a little effort I would recommend you post your content on your blog as well.


N16. People find it more convenient to use social media than a blog.

A16. People don’t care where they read the content they just want the info, for the extra two mins, it takes to copy and paste the video or info on your blog I would just do it. Don’t be lazy. It could end up costing you years of work and $$$$1000s  of Dollars.


O17. I don’t think I have the time to blog.

A17. The average person spends 8 years of their life watching TV there are numerous places that people waste time daily, cut out the timewasting activities and set some time aside weekly to work on your online business.



P18. I will need to build a brand and have no idea how to do that.

A18. You actually do not need to build a brand I worked online for lots of years and made money during this time without branding, logos, fancy banners or social media covers. Yes, you can buy a domain start a business and create the brand whenever you want or have multiple brands if necessary.  If you are concerned about building your brand I help all my fellow team members to create logos and banners, I help them get set up properly on Social Media  and share with them over 14 years of blogging and digital marketing experience which helps you move from step A to Step Z much faster and at a lower price than figuring it all out for yourself.


Q19. It costs too much money to get a blog built for you and I don’t know how to start.

A19. It can cost a lot of money to get a blog or website designed for you, many people spend a fortune on designer blogs or websites which cost them many thousands of dollars. These websites are often created by graphic designers and coders, not by Digital Marketers. Often these pretty-looking websites have a bad conversion rate and look more like fancy brochures than a website.  If someone has not made money from their blog it is unlikely they will be able to create a blog that makes you money.   Plain white colors are best without fancy bells and whistles and moving sliders if you want your website to convert.

Instead of paying some of these companies a few thousand or up to $5000 or $10,000 dollars, I provide a Business Blog Setup Package for only £297 I create the blog or website add the pages that are needed and then help you learn how to use it and how you can make money from it.


R20. I cannot be bothered.

A20. We all like to be lazy but when it comes to your future or the future of your family or kids being complacent and lazy could end up putting you all in a very bad position in the future, of course, there are some people who have a trust fund or a sugar daddy or rich relative who will fund your lifestyle. What if they leave? Are you ready to be broke, what if you are sick and cannot afford medication or even worse end up living homeless on the streets?  Some people like their job security with a steady paycheque. The only problem with a job is someone else pays you, so your job is not secure as you have no control over it.

With your own online business, you take control, and whether you have success or failure in your business that is entirely up to you.

For me, the price of not being bothered is too high a price to pay and I am not willing to destroy my life or be dependent on a job or any one other person for my income.

PS. I see smart asses all the time hustling 24/7 on Facebook trying to use scare tactics to sell high-ticket items, and they think they have a business the thing is when their Facebook account gets deleted or their group gets shut down their business is toast, when they are sick their income stops this is where blogging is different.

So decide do you want to generate a passive residual income and long-term traffic or become a Facebook BS Ninja

With a cool-looking flashy capture page the choice, of course, is yours.


20 Reasons Why You Don’t Need A Blog

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