Has Everyone Forgotten What Attraction Marketing Is?

Has Everyone Forgotten What Attraction Marketing Is?

One of the things I love and loved when I first started internet marketing 10 years ago was the ability to use attraction marketing to gain customers , subscribers and sales for my products and services. Yes, it stopped me from using the old methods which I had used in the past like talking to friends and family, cold calling on people’s doors and calling people on the phone, in fact, it transformed my business when I got this…  Today I have to say it because in the last few months I have been wondering .. There is lots of technology out there new social networks, new devices apps, iPads, tablets, etc..

Has Everyone Forgotten What Attraction Marketing Is
Has Everyone Forgotten What Attraction Marketing Is

But recently all I seem to be getting is people adding me using the Facebook graph search and using a very short script in order to get me to sign up to there business. Which in 10,000 percent of cases I have no intention of doing. but that intention would go down another 10,000 percent when approached by this method. I mean one of the powers that this online business gives us, is the opportunity to put our content in front of targeted people advertisers who really want it.

Of course, what happens when you do this?  People come looking to join your business or find out more relevant information from you.  When someone calls you asking what to do and how to do it!   They want help they want someone to tell them what they need, someone to answer their questions and someone to ask what next. When they are unsure of what they need to do next.  This puts you in a position of authority it shows you have the knowledge to put yourself in front of them and they will  get your help to move their business to the next level..  If they are committed then with time and learning and implementation they will follow your steps and create their own online business, thanks to your teachings and from books and other mentors they have had.

I can honestly say I never start contacting people on Facebook or any other social network directly trying to sell them my business or services because for me that is kind of stone-aged marketing or dinosaur marketing as I call it… My honest opinion is I get connected with a lot of wannabe Internet Marketers for Free because of them using this method.  But quite frankly when I know what is coming next and I hear it over and over again it kinda pisses me off..  And let’s face it when I get hit up by these people I can smell the desperation for a sale a mile away.  Desperation doesn’t sell. Not very often anyway it might motivate but it doesn’t sell if you use it as a sales tactic.

Unless one of your clients is about to lose a vital body part.  Let’s look at it another way it is just as easy to call contacts on skype, message your skype friends go through your diary and call everyone on the phone. ..  As it is to go to the Facebook graph and start messaging strangers about your products, services, and company.    So let’s start remembering why we started marketing online in the first place, so we didn’t have to do that crap.  I mean let’s face it who do you wanna be the person selling the book on Amazon about Making Money Online to people desperate to make money online ..   Or the person trying to sell the make money online book on Facebook using the Facebook Graph. Of course, if you like the Facebook Graph may as well go door to door too.  🙂  As it is the same thing. And probably more effective if you know your market. As for me  I can tell which guy I want to be and will continue to be…  And I won’t be knocking any doors or Facebook Graphs.  🙂

Of course, you can continue being a sheep and follow all the latest Facebook graph courses or wake up to the real potential of putting your product in front of a hungry market of buyers who want to buy it now… The choice is yours, my friends.

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Has Everyone Forgotten What Attraction Marketing Is


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4 thoughts on “Has Everyone Forgotten What Attraction Marketing Is?

  1. Hiya, Sotiris.

    I think everyone hates the ‘cold-call’ even when done in disguise, after the first couple of questions you get the link. Then, more often than not, the chat box or whatever gets turned off.

    That’s not what ATTRACTION marketing is about. Real attraction comes from you and from the value YOU will provide.

    Catch ya soon.

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