The 5 Advantages Of A No Cost Business

The 5 Advantages Of A No Cost Business

One of the hardest parts of being an online business coach is spending hours of my time setting up a proper online business with people who do not appreciate it. Or realize the value of what they actually have.

But here is one post specifically for the cheap people talking about no cost businesses. 

  1. It is free so it won’t cost you a penny.  Whippeeeee
  2. Anyone can join so you can get a load of other Freebie seekers in to join for free.
  3. If you have a Freebie Mindset this is like heaven on earth 
  4. You will get lots of questions from people who are interested in joining for free, as A freebie seeker this probably makes you think you are on your way to your next fortune.
  5. Wow, you have your own business for FREE it never got so good, for everything else in life you had to do something, but hey maybe your lucky boat has just come in.

Did you know that lots of business owners expect to pay hundreds, often thousands or tens of thousands of pounds for people to create their website, help them with branding marketing ETC..

but then lots of people expect and want everything for free because it’s on the Internet.

The thing Is I Have been training people how to build an online business for only £297, yes 14 years of knowledge in Blogging and Marketing Online for a week’s wages, crazy isn’t it.  In fact, I confess I even helped a few people who claimed to be desperate to do it for FREE..

Unfortunately for many people, 14 years making residual commissions online isn’t enough to get them to listen or take action, not when they hear about the push the red button software that makes zillions on autopilot or the nice granny and grandad who are going to turn you into a top network marketer for $47,  or the Coffee company that you drink the coffee and lose 10 stone and make a fortune in the process.

Click Here To Watch The Video 

There are a few disadvantages though in these FREE make believe cushty businesses.

  1. You do not have a business the company has the business, you just grow their database and list and get a minute fraction of the comp plan.
  2. You are gonna be talking shit 24/7 giving out free samples to your momma grandma sister and next door neighbor and probably after months of work end up getting $50 a month before they leave and you get zilch.
  3. Free people deliver zero to your income monthly they never have and never will, unless you like conversation and hearing people complimenting you for giving them a Free business then better get a job in a charity shop.
  4. After a few months of working on a free business, when you make $0 or very little you will realize that you are selling your time pretty cheap, in fact way below the minimum wage. And your downline will remain broke too whilst doing the same, the question is how long will it take them to wake up to this fact. (You can not live permanently from Free Samples Alone.)
  5. Who controls your business?  YOUR BUSINESS?    The company who you enrolled your prospects Do. Once again like I SAID YOU DON’T HAVE A BUSINESS… THEY DO…
  6. Without the right paid tools and systems, you will never own or control anything except your own tongue, and things you have paid for, or if you are a control freak you will be able to maybe control your friends and family members.
  7. There is only one Guarantee I can make you if you wanna be a Free Business owner, your income will change very little over the next few years and if it does it will be because of an inheritance, a rich spouse, an insurance claim or a lucky lotto ticket. Not because of your business or common sense.
  8. There are seldom Free lunches, sometimes from very kind people, but the Big Companies do not do them…  Hosting on big companies for free like Blogger.Com WordPress.Com Youtube And Facebook normally come with a hefty price, and that is a shitload of your time and complete control over your content and business. If you can call it your business, if it’s on their platform then it is really their business, not yours.  Try selling some stuff there when they decide they don’t want you too.

5 Questions To Ask Yourself To Find Out If You Have A Real OnlineBusiness

  1. If you lost your Facebook Account, YouTube Account, Blogger Or WordPress.Com Blog, Twitter And Instagram would you still make money online?
  2. If you went on holiday for 3 months would your money keep coming in on autopilot?
  3. If you died tomorrow would any income still come in from your Internet Business that could pay your fees or expenses or those of your family?
  4. How long would you eat off the income you make monthly online, could you survive infinitely on an ongoing basis or for not even a day?
  5. Is your hosting account (Paid and backed up) Your Mailing List (Paid and backed up) Your domains and branding are they selling your products and services online or someone else’s company instead?

I have decided to start weeding out the tire kickers as people who will not put some skin into the game will always run round in circles chasing the next shiny object. For a limited time, you will still be able to access my business Blogs Setup Package For £297

but it will be going up to £997 Pounds very shortly as soon as I get my new sales video and sales page completed. And for the hours of my time experience and coaching that I give for this at £997, it will still be an absolute bargain.

To the people who have decided to leave my online business and not rejoined by the end of May 2019 they will have to pay the £997 to get access to my insiders coaching and Business Blogs Setup Again, so if you feel like quitting or feel too lazy to pay your hosting or website this month go right ahead because next month you will have to pay a little more of what it’s worth for the pleasure.

Or then again just buy the next big red button $47 to riches automated software coming back to a dreamworld near you.   Or give out Free Samples to Millions$$$$, Don’t get me wrong I love fairy tales too, but I am not stupid enough to climb up Rapunzel’s hair to get to the tower 🙂

The question really is ARE YOU?

Click Here To Work With Me 

The 5 Advantages Of A No Cost Business

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