When Discomfort Takes Over From Productivity

Whether you have been there or not there comes a time in most people’s lives when discomfort can take over your productivity.
There are many different things that could cause this discomfort, often they could be mental or physical problems with your body.
They could be relationship problems or bereavement of one of your friends or family members.
Discovering your spouse has had or is having an affair or them telling you something about your relationship that brings you down to earth with a bang.
You could be suffering from brain fog due to sickness or health complications.
Or feeling low or sad about some things in your life.
What can you do about it?
What doesn’t kill you often makes you stronger, it may take some time but in many cases, these things will pass.
In some cases, they don’t pass you just accept them and move on with your life, with your dreams, with your tasks with your goals.
Even when life beats down hard on your door you often have a choice of how to respond to it.
Are you going to allow yourself to be defeated or are you going to step back up and move forward in your life?
When it comes to the things you want to do or achieve in your life it is okay to stumble or fall, it is okay to go off your path for a bit. The main thing is not to quit you can take a short or a long break.
You achieve things by taking steps towards them not by quitting so decide what steps you are going to take and start setting your future goals and moving towards them.
I have been asked many times by my clients, my children even by my spouse how do you always get the things I want?
Here is my formula for getting what I want 
1. Decide what you want (Many people forget about this one) the dream or plan you never have will seldom come to fruition.
2. How much money will I need to achieve it?
3. How will I get the money I need to achieve my goal?
4. What will I need to learn or improve to achieve the goal?
5. Who is qualified to mentor me to achieve what I want and how do I get them to work with me?
6 In how long and what time will it take for me to achieve this goal or get what I desire?
7. Is there any way or anyone who could help me to achieve this goal faster?
Important Stop The Talk until you start taking some action.
I am tired of listening to people talking about all the things they are going to achieve when they do not even take the first step to actually get them, walk the walk, do what you actually say that you are going to do.
Talk is cheap without action
Buy a good digital software to help you set your most important daily actions and tick them off as you get them done.
Journal your daily actions and what you plan to do next.
Use your pain and discomfort as fuel, instead of feeling sorry for yourself and becoming a victim use your problems as a catalyst to drive you forward.
If I can’t walk I can blog?
If I am in a lot of pain I can blog about it and learn how to deal with it (This makes you a stronger person)
If I can’t walk I can drive who will pay me to drive?
If I cannot do physical work what can I do online to make money?
If I am in hospital I can send an email to my email list from my laptop in bed and make money.
People bypass the steps above and often end up wandering through their whole life on the road to nowhere, because they do not know where they want to go.
Make sure you don’t become one of those people. Or if you are then maybe it is time you changed something.
Here are some questions you may want to ask yourself.
Where do you want to live?
What is your dream house?
What car do you want to drive?
Do you want to have your own boat or a private airplane?
What countries do you want to travel to?
What locations do you want to visit?
What would your ideal friends or spouse be like?
After You Follow The Steps Above You Can Get Started On Improving Things Click The Link Below To Get Started 
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