New Software Marketing Website and Awards Launched

Hanover, MA (PRWEB) January 5, 2006 has launched an updated website with many new features, all for software developers and online marketers. Software Marketing Resource contains a repository of targeted, actionable resources for software developers and marketers. New additions to the site include software vendor awards, a detailed calendar full of software related events and a daily software marketing blog.
The site includes a robust, monthly software newsletter, and regular articles specific to software marketing. The website also contains inspirational software success stories.
The Software Marketing Resource website also contains listing of newsgroups, e-mail newsletters, and discussion groups targeted at software developers, as well as announcement groups for new software. The site includes links to more than 40 local and international software trade organizations. Software Marketing Resource also has a database of publishers who will print, box, and market independent developers’ programs. For those developers who prefer to self publish, a list of marketing companies that specialize in promoting software from independent developers, as well as a list of conferences and schmoozes targeted at independent software developers. Software Marketing Resource even has links to software retailers, and distributors who are interested in reselling applications.
To help developers create and send press releases, there is a listing of press release resources, as well as information on how to write them, information on how to distribute them and general information about them.
Software Marketing Resource contains a directory of more than two dozen shareware registration services, online stores, wrapper technology companies, and electronic payment firms, as well as links to international currency conversion sites. There is a resource guide to CD replication companies, CD fulfillment firms, CD manufacturers, makers of CD labeling software, and sources for CD labels and packaging.
Software developers looking for development tools will find an extensive list of demo builders, installation programs, help file builders, and other essential programs. There are also links to translation services, proofreaders, documentation writers, anti-crack articles, and programming knowledge bases.
All of this great information on the Software Marketing Resource is freely available to all software developers, and may be found by visiting
About Software Marketing Resource The Software Marketing Resrouce is a free service from NotePage, Inc., a Hanover, Massachusetts company specializing in communication software. You can reach NotePage, Inc. at PO Box 296, Hanvoer, MA 02339. Phone: (781) 829-0500. Internet: and .
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