Are You Going Broke Trying To Start An Online Business?

Are You Going Broke Trying To Start An Online Business?

I was talking to someone recently and they told me that over the last six months they had spent an absolute fortune trying to start an online business.

Are You Going Broke Trying To Start An Online Business

Starting an online business does take time money and energy and it is not that cheap, but if done correctly with the right mentor it will not cost you an absolute fortune like a traditional business.

The truth is there is so much different information out there on the internet and often people starting out instead of learning some stuff start hiring all these different so-called experts.

Often these experts know how to charge an extortionate expert price, the only problem is that quite often these experts have no clue about how to put a complete online business that generates income together.

As they have never actually done it before, a web designer might have made a nice looking website for many customers that does not convert into sales, An SEO export might not realise that your sales funnels suck or that your blog is going to convert at a much lower rate than a specially created capture page or sales funnel.


If you have no time or are busy you will maybe have to rely on employing a few people or having a business partner that can do some of the work for you. 

If you have some free time on the other hand with the right coaching and training it is not that hard to get your website or blog up and running.

There will maybe be some things you do not want to get involved with, but there are lots of methods of creating content and making money and you only need a few of them and the right tools and software to be able to generate a monthly residual income from your online business. 

Yes although I do not recommend starting an online business with $50 you don’t need $50k to get started, realistically I would allow $300 to $500 monthly and maybe $2000 one off to get all the best tools like blog or website created, payment systems, opt-in software, and lead conversion tools. Yes, you could start with less even half of that but any cheaper than that and you will not have a professional-looking business.

Monthly payments will be for things like hosting, membership site software, rotators, funnel builders, etc

Of course, you don’t need to pay all the money right out the door but by not getting certain things you will be also setting your business back and costing yourself leads and sales in your business.

So you can get the right person and get started really well for $2000,  or you can pay for Business Managers???, Website Designers $1000 to $50,000 SEO Experts $350 – $1200 Per Month,  SEO Article writers $1500 per month, Video experts $2000 Per Video, Copywriters $800 to 100,000 Per project, Product and Software Developers $500 to $500,000, Book Writers ETC. 

Yeah, the truth is your online business could end up costing you tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars if you take that route. This will make it much harder for you to ever get into a profit in fact you could end up remortgaging your house or spending your life savings to start a business model that may not even work. 

Or you could just set up your online business like me. That makes me monthly a residual income for A few hundred dollars a month and a couple of grand for a website, shopping carts, Optin conversion software, autoresponders, and hosting, etc. 

That choice is entirely up to you

If you want to start a proper online business without all the extra staff to pay and are willing to take a little responsibility for basic things which I can teach you how to set up with some help from me, We create you a simple to use online blog or website business, including ready-made products that you can sell to make one-off commissions or ongoing residual monthly commissions like I do.


Alternatively, you can book a Free 30 Minute 1 To One Call With Me


Click Here To Schedule A Free 30 Minute Coaching Call


I also have a Business Blog Setup Package in which I sit with you and help you to set up your online business, there are different packages depending on what stuff you want me to do for you. 

At the moment I still have a very good special offer which you can still get by clicking the button below

Click Here To Find Out More


During the upcoming lockdowns a lot of traditional businesses are going to close and go online so if you haven’t thought about putting your business online, now maybe the perfect time.


This was Day 14 Of The 30 Day Blogging Challenge


Are You Going Broke Trying To Start An Online Business?

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