When it comes to Adsense your Adsense Ad Layout can make a big difference to the clickthrough rate on your ads here is one model I am finding works quite well on a number of my websites. It is not advisable when Internet Marketing to rely on Adsense for your income but if you have some unused domains or a few domains not monetised it is an excellent way to bring in some extra income from your websites. When it comes to using Adsense or any other type of income strategy it is always safer to have a balance of different marketing methods and income generation methods. In case any of them become obsolete or your accounts get shut down. This happens to many people regularly in Adsense,Adwords,Blogger,Facebook,Twitter,And You Tube so make sure all your income or traffic generation eggs are not kept in one basket. If you are going to be posting videos you can use my other diagram below for your layout.
Adsense Article Layout
Article Layout
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