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Whether you’re looking to reboot your life, get a complete upgrade 
in your thinking, gain massive propulsion 
forward, OR ALL THREE… 

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RISE! The Life Revolution Challenge!

Where you’ll work LIVE with me, Chris Howard, to catapult yourself to the NEXT LEVEL of Success!

Learn to Navigate The Playing Field of LIFE in The Most Powerful Way Possible!


This program will assist you to get unbridled momentum toward your most inspired life and the accomplishment of your greatest dreams!
1-2pm Daily Pacific Standard Time

This is the program that will allow you to gain massive propulsion forward and turn your visions and intentions into realities and results.

  • Do you want to turn your life around? Physically, emotionally, spiritually or financially?
  • ​Want to launch a business or a dream?
  • ​Do you dream of a career path that allows you to create true financial freedom?
  • ​Can you imagine being surrounded with the kinds of relationships that make your life rich and meaningful?
  • ​Would you like to be in the best shape of your life?

All that and more is possible with the coaching and mentoring you’ll receive in 
RISE! - The Life Revolution Challenge!

$500 VALUE 

The Life Revolution Challenge FOR FREE!

What would your life become if you were to learn…
The little known secrets to reshaping your world in the 
likeness of your greatest dreams?

There was a time when I was living in a converted garage in El Porto, California… 
desperately trying to make my life work. With big dreams, 
but no clue how to make them manifest.

And the worst part was that I had read hundreds of books and sought out mentor 
after mentor and yet, for some reason, I wasn’t able to apply all of that great information
in my own life to make my life work.
It was at that time, when I was at the end of my rope ,that I was first introduced to the sciences 
that you’ll be working with in this program; the sciences that 
allowed me to turn around every aspect of my life. That was how my business first began 
which eventually I would grow to multi-multi millions.

I want to now share with you the same secrets that I used to go from $70,000 in debt to 
making that much in a day and much more, traveling the world and 
living my greatest dreams.


>>>> Give up on their real dreams…

>>>> Don’t end up living their most inspired life…

>>>> Struggle to make it from month to month…

>>>> Live in states of depression or overwhelm…

>>>> Give up on their body and give in to living with depleted energy…

>>>> Put up with strained relationships and live with ongoing resentments…

This happens because in life we were consistently taught how to settle rather than 
how to actually make our lives work!


Here are the 3 biggest reasons people fail in the pursuit of their dreams...

Reason #1

They Are Playing a Very Small Game in Life

“How am I going to make it this month?”
“Is it even worth living?”
 “Am I going to have to downsize?”
“Do I even want to be doing this?”
 “Am I just over the hill?”
“Is this the best that it gets?”
 “Have I already experienced the best it will ever be?”
“Do I just not have what it takes?”
“Am I just not attractive to people?”
“Why would someone even want to be with me?”
Do any of these things sound familiar? All of these thoughts are a reflection of the size and scope of the game that we are playing in life.
Without the right sources of inspiration and mentoring it becomes really easy to give up before you’ve even begun. The concepts I’ll share in this 5-day challenge were what radically transformed my life for the better and allowed me to do multi-multi millions in sales, achieve 3 black belts in martial arts, write 2 best-selling books, travel the world with experiences such as lunch on the Great Wall of China - 
and Horseback over the hills of Mongolia - Shark feeds in Tahiti - and business meetings in cafe’s in Venice - and to live a life that most people would only dream of.
Are you ready to RISE and take your life to a whole new level?
It all starts with learning the right tools, strategies and mindsets and changing your daily HABITS to make your success a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Reason #2

They Let The World Around Them Dictate Their Mindset

• News sources pay billions to advertise “car wrecks” in politics and society and many people wake up every morning allowing the news outlets to dictate their thoughts
• Drug companies pay billions to control our thinking and cause us to feel that we can’t make it without the anesthetization that their products provide - oftentimes turning us into sleep walkers and zombies in life
• Advertisers pay billions to cause us to feel that we need to wear their jeans or buy their beer or purchase their products in order to heal our own self-esteem issues
• We buy into the social hypnosis that the world is ending or that we can’t succeed because of the economy, or the politics of the moment, the epidemic of the moment, or the restrictions of the moment
• We look at the worldly circumstances surrounding us and allow those circumstances to cause us to spiral downward to greater depths of despair

When you take charge of your mindset you take charge of your results: physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially! It’s time to radically revolutionize your consciousness so that you can elevate yourself and start actualizing your full potential NOW!

Reason #3

They Are Filled With Lower Vibrational States and Live in Intolerable Internal Worlds

• Our mindsets create our emotional states and many people are so filled with anger and resentment and jealousy and fear that they have an inability to live the lives they really want to live.
• We can only focus on 7 plus or minus 2 things effectively at once. So when we are plagued with negative states they misdirect our focus and prevent us from creating our dream life.
• Additionally negative states are repulsive and rappel people, resources and opportunities - literally chasing them away.
• And these states make our internal worlds intolerable. When we have an intolerable internal world our behaviors become erratic and destructive - literally tearing down our success at every level.
• How much more successful would you be if you were to stop building with one hand and tearing it all down with the other?

Are you ready to turn your whole life around? 
If so, enroll right now in RISE - The Ultimate Challenge so that you can take your results to the stratosphere and beyond!

$500 VALUE 

The Life Revolution Challenge FOR FREE!


  • 5 Days Of LIVE Training On How to Transform Your Entire World From The Inside Out - Starting January 18th at 1pm PDT | 3PM EDT 
  • ​A Household Ticket For Your Entire Family to Join The 5-Day Event
  • ​Transformational Tools and Cutting-Edge Processes to Help You to Launch Yourself Toward Your Greatest Dreams
  • ​Access To Our Exclusive Facebook Group For RISE - The Ultimate Challenge
  • ​The Opportunity To Win Incredible Prizes DAILY During the Challenge Including Tickets To Billionaire Bootcamp in Hawaii!

$500 VALUE 

The Life Revolution Challenge FOR FREE!

RISE - The Life Revolution Challenge
is designed to help you immediately and radically revolutionize your life for the better!

In This 5-Day Challenge - You Will… 


Learn the Secrets to Rapidly Closing The Gap Between Where You Are and Where You Want to Be
You Will :
  • Discover the secret to massive propulsion without sacrificing fulfillment
  • ​Learn how to save yourself years of wasted time on your career path
  • ​Be immersed in the 3 steps to radically grow your income while doing what you love 
  • ​Find the key to getting infinitely more joy out of life
  • ​Attract the relationships you desire most this year by doing just 2 things
  • ​Unearth the easiest way to catapult yourself forward toward your dream life 


Learn a Paint By Numbers Approach To Creating Your Future 

You Will:
  • ​Gain the certainty that will allow you to manifest your boldest desires
  • ​Own a complete “done for you” system for programming your unconscious mind to nail any goal with precision  
  • ​Learn the process for aligning your conscious intentions with your unconscious resources so that you rocket forward toward your greatest visions
  • ​Embrace 3 facts you MUST understand about goal setting so that you’re always winning in life
  • ​Learn how to actually produce results. No more wasted time and money on unfulfilled expectations
  • Master 7 keys to a powerful mindset that can revolutionize your life: in your career, relationships and health


A Problem Well-Stated Is a Problem Half-Solved
You Will:
  • Discover the fastest way to free yourself from the shackles of the past 
  • ​Pinpoint the greatest barriers to your success so that you can move beyond your limitations and become the most powerful version of YOU 
  • ​Hold the key to multiplying your performance and results 1000 fold
  • ​Experience the two-step method to begin to free yourself from the prison of your own mind
  • ​Find out how how people in our programs have multiplied their income by working a fraction of the time they used to work 
  • Unlock the secret to an amazing quality of life regardless of your past or apparent lack of resources


Learn The Secrets to Gaining Leverage Over Every Interaction in Your Day
You Will:
  • Master the 4 step process that is the fastest way to revolutionize the quality of each day and the level of your effectiveness
  • ​Learn how to develop the natural magnetism that creates opportunities. Say good bye to the days of rappelling your own success
  • ​Learn the 2 steps you MUST embrace in order to accomplish more than you would ever dream of each and every day 
  • Discover the process for structuring your day so that you are literally propelled toward greater levels of achievement
  • ​Own a paint by numbers approach for maximizing the value of your time and energy 
  • Create the practice that will allow you to starting living the life you truly desire


Discover The Sure Fire Way To Start Attracting Massive Success
You Will:
  • Discover the secret to attracting success without the struggle of the past
  • ​Learn how to prevent yourself from destroying your own success by spinning in destructive patterns
  • ​Be immersed in the most cutting-edge tools to rapidly redesign your life
  • ​Discover the process for activating your prosperity thinking so that you are your own greatest ally
  • ​Own a revolutionary means for creating any result with velocity, ease and grace
  • ​Create the mindset that will allow you to manifest your every dream
After learning the methods and sciences you’ll be exposed to in this program, 
I went from 0-100 million in sales worldwide and I have been blessed to have 
travelled the world sharing these tools in over 35 different countries.
Your success is my success and that’s why I’ve created this 
intensive program for you.  I’m committed to you’re having advantages that 
I never had in growing my own dreams. It’s only those who continue to stand on the tall 
shoulders of the giants that preceded them that will be able to see 
the path clearly enough to chart the most powerful futures and reshape the world 
in the most powerful ways.

“Before attending Chris Howard’s programs I was a competent speaker, a toastmaster of several years and relatively highly trained in public speaking but I was no an electric persuader and I was not grabbing the hearts and minds of the audience.  With the confidence I gained from Chris’ Transformational Speaker Certification Training I got booked for 49 separate speaking engagements in one swoop.” 
Peter Cahill | Property Developer

“Christopher Howard's programs are incredibly powerful.  Before attending his first weekend seminar I had struggled to achieve financial success pursuing my passion.  Within nine months of completing the seminar, I had cleared six figures.  Today I am facilitating my own business success workshops and enjoying financial freedom!  I am living proof that Chris' technologies are highly effective tools in today's business world.” 

Melanie Benson Strick |
Founder and President of Success Connections – Los Angeles

"As a direct result of Chris’s unique approach, I have restructured my entire business and lifestyle.  I now no longer feel overwhelmed.  Every skill learned and applied compounds the results I see.  I have profited as much as $600,000 in a single day and have seen a net result of more than $2 million." 
Phil Anderson|
Helping Others To Retire Young and Wealthy

"I had the pleasure of working with Chris for over a year. I was able to witness first-hand his heart to change lives and is ability to transform a room. Chris is a true expert in his field. He has dedicated his life to helping people achieve greatness. I learned so much from him during our time together and it made a significant impact on my life and business. I am very grateful for the opportunity to meet and work with such an incredible man."

Keri Murphy |
TV Host, Speaker & CEO Inspired Living

"I regard Chris Howard as one of the most accomplished and impressive trainers and speakers that I have ever had the pleasure of listening to. Having attended many of Chris Howard’s events and trainings, assisting in a number of them, I have always continued to be amazed at his skill as a speaker, teacher and trainer, and also as a coach. Chris’s teaching has undoubtedly helped many tens of thousands of people around the world enjoy greater success by showing them how to tap into inner resources that they didn’t even know that they had to achieve goals that they previously did not dare to dream of. 
As I acknowledge in my book, “Surviving Financial Meltdown”, “…….I would like to particularly thank and acknowledge the important part that Chris Howard has played in my training. He is a wonderfully effective and inspirational speaker and presenter who has made an amazing contribution to the lives of so many people. "

Leigh D Wilson
Master Executive Coach, International Author & Speaker

“Chris is a one in a Million. He has achieved at the highest level there is as a speaker, author and coach.”

John Spender |
Coach/Behavioral Specialist

"After 17 successful years in Corporate Sales & working for some of the best global companies, I stopped resonating with self. I was looking around for someone who could answer those unknown questions, bothering me to move to something more meaningful. Mysteriously, I came across Chris. After hardly seeing 50 seconds of his 30 minutes video, I "knew" this man could help me. Within few months of his education, I started seeing those questions clearly and surprisingly the answers too. I was fortunate to spend couple of months in his physical proximity at Bali, and discovered the reasons of his mastery. He is hard worker, the Great Master of his art and has marvellous ability to teach & transform people without there conscious awareness. His understanding of humans, the problems, nonjudgmental approach, compassion and keen desire to serve, makes his company comfortable within few minutes. Learning integrated with humor, makes his teachings a joyful experience. 
I have gone through massive shifts, overcoming so many inner hurdles and now, I am speaking to hundreds and thousands, building my dream business & leading a life which I always dreamt of. Thanks Chris!"

 Rajneesh Jain |
Best-Selling Author, Founder Corem Sales Consulting Private Limited

"I've found every experience of Chris's work enlightening, entertaining, inspiring, & incredibly interesting.. from Start to Finish. He shares with humility, kindness, great intelligence & wisdom.. A Delight-FULL experience. He kept thousands of hugely intelligent people mesmerized for hours and days on end.”

Kathie Morris |

The Cost 0f Not Doing It:

  • Continuing to stay stuck where you are
  • ​Continuing to live hand to mouth
  • ​Only making a fraction of what you really could
  • ​Not making the impact in the world that you really want
  • ​Never really living up to your full potential
  • ​Lack of real fulfillment
  • ​Negative impact on your family

$500 VALUE 

The Life Revolution Challenge FOR FREE!

How Could This Impact Your Business and Your Lifestyle:

  • Create massive propulsion toward your greatest dreams
  • ​Blow beyond previous financial set points
  • ​Radically increase your charisma and ability to attract success
  • ​Discover the secrets to setting yourself financially free
  • ​Get in the best shape of your life
  • Put in place the key elements to attract opportunities and resources like iron filings to a magnet
  • ​Learn the secrets to make the impact in the world you want to make
  • ​Build your dream business
  • ​Have brand new certainty in your future

I’ve coached hundreds of thousands all over the planet

Enroll Now for this once in a lifetime LIVE experience!

$500 VALUE 

The Life Revolution Challenge FOR FREE!

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Disclaimer: each client testimonial that you see is based on what our clients tell us. We don't verify their financial statements, we take their word on it. Getting results in building a business is hard, and each of our clients works really hard to get results. We don't guarantee any results and you should know that building a business
and investing in marketing is a risk.