More Than 85 Percent of First Time Home Buyers Start Their Search Online

San Diego, CA (PRWEB) December 19, 2005 –

In 2005, more than 70 percent of all Internet users referred to a company’s Web site before calling or doing business with that company. Future home owners understand the importance of the Internet and are now researching mortgage companies for credibility before closing the deal. This makes having a credible, professional Web site that shows up at the top of the major search engines, as well as provides useful Internet tools, more important for mortgage brokers hoping to stay competitive in the industry.

But what does the average mortgage broker know about online marketing, Web site design or staying competitive in the online world? That’s where mortgage marketing companies come in. Scott Kirkpatrick, of Mortgage Marketing Specialists, recognized this problem and decided to form a company dedicated to helping mortgage companies market their services effectively online.

Mortgage Marketing Specialists was founded in 2002, when Kirkpatrick wanted to create a resource that mortgage brokers could use to get everything they needed in order to be successful online. He went on to create a full service mortgage marketing firm. Not only has Mortgage Marketing Specialists helped thousands of mortgage brokers with Web sites, refinance leads, referrals and much more, but the company continuously introduces new tools that their customers can use to gain more consumers.

One of the most popular tools offered by Mortgage Marketing Specialists is the Smart Marketing Package, which includes everything mortgage brokers will need to be successful. The package has search engine placement for the broker’s local city, seven lead generation tools, professional Web site design, Federal Trade Commission compliance package and a system that includes automated monthly newsletters. If a company does not want to go with the package, they can also use most of these tools separately.

“When mortgage brokers contact us they get an effective marketing plan tailored to their specific needs that will include everything they need,” said Kirkpatrick. “They will be working with a company that is invested in their success.”

Kirkpatrick knows that thriving in the competitive field of mortgage is difficult, which is why he created a company that serves as a primary resource for all mortgage marketing needs, allowing mortgage brokers the time to concentrate on their consumers needs, rather than how they are going to get the consumers.

About Mortgage Marketing Specialists

Mortgage Marketing Specialists is a division of Superior Internet Solutions and provides mortgage companies with innovative, proven marketing solutions to bullet proof their mortgage business.

For more information about Mortgage Marketing Specialists, visit their Web site at


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